
December 29, 2001

Be Prepared. This update is a diversion from the usual.

If you've ever questioned my sanity, I may just send the jury back with a "definitely off the wall" verdict. Don't ask me what comes over me. I don't know where this stuff comes from. Some weird internal force, the same force that keeps me pushing on ahead battling fitness fraud, every once in awhile sends me unusual flurries of inspiration. Perhaps I attended too many Holiday parties this year. Whatever the reason . . . my intentions are good. Here goes nothin':

'Twas the night before New Years, And all 'round the nation
Bellies were growing, From fat cell invasion

The people had eaten, Their Holiday Treats,
And downed them with booze, And some egg nog and sweets.

They pounded down turkey On Thanksgiving Day,
With cookies and stuffing, And a nice cabernet,

And the following morning, They just couldn't stop
They ate ice cream and pizza, Drank gallons of pop

They had an excuse, "It's the Holiday Season!"
When people let go of their sense and their reason

But now on the dawn of two thousand and two
They started to panic. Oh, what would they do?

Ab rollers, ab zappers, and new weight loss fads
Were all over TV, And magazine ads

Diet Centers rallied, With brand new promotions
And supplements shipped, over land, over oceans

Chromium, pyruvate, Fat Burners galore,
Were flying off shelves at the supplement store

It was mayhem as everyone started to riot
Demanding the simplest and easiest diet

Some gave up carbos And some gave up steak
And some ate their cabbage And drank Slim-Fast shakes,

They all took up walking or running or spinning
But the bulge in the battle Still seemed to be winning!

Strangely a few Who had kept themselves quiet,
Were eating enjoying a feast not a diet!

And while everyone else watched their waistlines expand
These few who were eating were fit, trim, and grand!

They learned to eat right, Not just pizza and booze,
But proteins and starches and fibrous foods.

They trained with resistance, And they worked the heart
And welcomed a cheat day when each week would start

Suddenly Boom! The sky rocked with thunder
A man screamed "Enough! The beliefs that you're under . . . "

"Are hurting your bellies your buns and your thighs
Cholesterol levels are fast on the rise"

He held out a package, And then with a grin
He pulled out a book, "The Best You've Ever Been"

The book shared the secrets, The lean folk had learned
That calories eaten, Can be calories burned

A woman who wanted to fit in her dress
Was amazed the man said, She'll eat more and weigh less

A man in his senior years, Jumped with a start
"Will this program help my blood pressure and heart?"

The book wielding man said, "There's nothing too mystic
The eating and exercise Are Synergistic."

So who was this man, With the secret to boast?
Just a man who had learned, From a radio host!

He had once been a fat guy, Frustrated and Quiet,
Tried Weight Watchers, Slim Away, And the Hollwood Diet

He sweated and grunted in attempts to get lean
But he wore out his knees on his treadmill machine

He was ready to pack it in, his outlook was sour
When a friend turned him onto the Mind Muscle Hour

He learned from Phil Kaplan, And Phil's on a mission
To share Fitness Truth and he harbors a vision

That one day he'll wipe out the fraud and deception
To make Fitness Truth More the r
ule than exception

Phil Kaplan has traveled The seminar stages
And armed with his new book, near 400 pages

He's sure that an impact is soon to be cast
That renders obesity a thing of the past

So if you indulged, And you put on some weight
You better call Kaplan Before it's too late

What are you waiting for? Advice from your Mom?
Don't hesitate, go to

And order a program Or Phil's newest book
Sign up for a seminar Or just take a look!

The Answer is here, Put the questions to rest
Get Phil in your corner and prepare for "The Best!"

Wishing you an incredible 2002!

OK, so much for the poem. Now, here's the question. Why would Phil (that's me), who sometimes appears so rational (at least in public), find himself lost amidst delusions of Dr. Seuss? I guess I have to switch gears and jump into a serious mode to help you understand. Serious mode begins . . . NOW!

I wanted to write a New Year's Message to everyone who has contacted me over the past 2 years . . . a message that would help that select group of individuals, including you, to understand that this year, 2002, can be the year that you eliminate the doubt brought about by any failed fitness attempts. I want you to know that you have within you everything it takes to be the Best You've Ever Been.

You have control over your food intake, you have the ability to exercise, and you have the ability to motivate yourself so completely you'll have trouble believing fitness might ever have been a struggle. If you're not presently in the best shape of your life, you need two things:

1. A Plan Based on a Sound Technology of Physical Change
2. The Willingness to Follow Through

Most fitness New Years resolutions fail only because people attempt to change with ineffective technologies. They start out with too much exercise, they fail to get the proper balance between aerobic exercise and resistance training, or they neglect to optimally connect their food intake to their activity. Sooner or later (in most cases "sooner"), frustration, cravings, exhaustion, injury, overtraining, or a complete and total loss of motivation cause attempts made utilizing ineffective approaches to fall flat leaving results elusive. If you're already comfortable with your reflection, your physique, and your well being, I congratulate you and hope you'll view this message as reassurance that there aren't any limits to how far you can take your fitness. I've never met even a single person who was not capable of improvement with adjustments in thoughts, meals, and exercise.

For those of you who have one of my programs, and might have either followed it in the past or . . . might have been struck by an all-too-common sense of procrastination, this message is intended to rekindle the spark . . . to get you back on track. Being "The Best You've Ever Been" doesn't have to incorporate an all-consuming effort. It simply requires knowledge, balance, and application.

My new program, The Physical Excellence Program included in my new book, offers the ideal plan for making 2002 the year that your fitness struggle gets laid to rest and is replaced by a complete and total confidence that you are in control of the way your body looks and feels. In 2002, I'm already committed to seminars everywhere from Washington to Brazil. I'm determined to step up my actions, to have a greater impact than ever before. I will conduct two extremely powerful seminar events in South Florida, February 7 and May 16.

For fitness professionals, I'll be hosting the first annual Personal Trainer's Business Forum in which I'll share the technology of mental, emotional, and physical influence that has driven me to already reach upwards of 50,000 people seeking physical change.

I must admit, despite my previous passion, I am more fired up than ever before to play a definitive role in helping America become, not only proud, but proud and fit! Whether you are a fitness professional or an individual seeking physical change, I encourage you to take whatever actions you find comfortable to not only employ the elements of a sound and result oriented program, but also to spread the Fitness Truth, to help others make their 2002 as productive as yours is going to be.

If you need to take an action to acquire the technology of change that will lead you to excellence, whether it involves investing my new The Best You've Ever Been or attending one of my explosive seminars, then do it NOW! A journey begins with a single step. Happy New Year, and may all your steps be productive! STAY FIT & KEEP GROWING! (and remember, just because a fitness guru delves into prose . . . there's no reason to question his ability to help people get fit!) In closing . . .

There once was a man from Nantucket . . .oh, never mind. Have a Happy New Year!

Previous Updates:

Update 12/8 - The New Electronic Ab Offerings

Update 12/12 - The "Magic" is Within You
Update 11/20 - Holiday eating!
Update 11/3 - Weight Loss Bread and other Nonsense!
Update 10/29 - Supplement Values

Update 10/3 - Getting Back to Doing What We Do
Update 9/19 - Tragedy and Love, RE: Sept 11
Update 8/15 - Myths, Fallacies, False Beliefs
Update 8/1 - The Internet, Leptin, Steroids, and more
Update 7/9 - The New Supplements
Update 6/14 - Seminar offerings and clarity on "Brownies"
Update 5/29 - Lose Weight, Eat Brownies?!?!?
Update 5/1/01
- Pizza, Beer, and Fitness
Update 4/7/01 - "Phil-osophies" and Rip-Off Realities!
Update 4/1/01 - Gourmet Recipes!
Update 3/15/01 - Research Has Proven?
Update 3/1/01 - Preparing for The New Infomercial
Update 2/1/01 - Time, Space, Matter, and Energy
Update 1/15/01 - Atkins hits the UK
Update 10/7/00 - Supplements, Additional Clarity
Update 7/27/00 - The Experts Round Table, Almada, Colgan, Parillo
Update 7/3/00 - Core Training & Metabolism Boosters

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This site is designed and operated by Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness is located at
3132 Fortune Way, #D1
Wellington, Florida 33414
The TOLL-FREE Product Order Line is 1 800 552-1998
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The Fax Number is 561 204-2184