My intention is to keep this site current by offering updates when new issues arise that may be confusing to those seeking fitness and weight loss.  Visit this page frequently for new information and e-mail me with topics you'd like to see featured here. Here's the update as of 07-27-00:

About two or three years ago I conducted a "Round Table" discussion with three of the industry's leading experts.  I was joined by Dr. Michael Colgan, John Parrillo, and Anthony Almada.  It was the first time these three experts had ever come together in one forum to discuss exercise and nutritional concerns.  While there were several areas where these esteemed individuals respectfully disagreed (it did get just a bit heated at times), the conclusion one would have to draw would be twofold.

Conclusion #1: Science is ever changing and science at any given moment is very simply a "best guess" based upon a preponderance of the evidence.  When different experts are exposed to varied evidence, their scientific conclusions may differ without anyone being "wrong."

Conclusion #2: What worked ten, twenty, thirty, and two hundred years ago to build a lean healthy body is the same thing that works today.  A concern for natural supportive eating, exercise to improve cardiorespiratory efficiency (aerobic), and a concern for muscle.

The Round Table discussion received a great deal of attention from within the fitness arena, so much so that the tape is still requested as a learning resource today.  Well, in the past few years there have been so many new developments, ranging from the re-emergence of the high protein diets to the release of "miracle" supplements claiming to burn fat almost magically, I decided it was time to re-unite the group.  About 10 days ago, it happened, the Expert's Round Table 2000.

Dr. Colgan sang the praises of Functional Training and its value in strengthening and preserving connective tissue and developing an overall physical power.  John Parrillo stuck to his guns on the benefits of fascial stretching and MCT oil.  Anthony warned against the potential dangers of some of the new bodybuilding supplements such as Ribose.  The discussion covered many topics but the highlights, the areas in which opinions were unanimous were:
The best selling fat-burners can lend themselves to abuse and can lead to addiction with potential for side effects
New or old, the low-carb diets are not going to be a long term "get lean" solution for the masses
Creatine Monohydrate absolutely has value as a muscle enhancer and strength aid.
The over the counter hormonal precursors are not "safe and effective."
For optimal performance, the body needs a balance of proteins, fats, and supportive carbs.
Refined carbs and simple sugars are likely to hinder performance and fat release.

There were a few heated arguments revolving around interpretation of research, but all in all the discussion brought us back to the same conclusions that were drawn the last time we met.

Parts of the discussion have already been broadcast on my Mind & Muscle Fitness Hour.  You can expect to hear the remainder in the weeks to come.  I am working on getting the entire interview, either in text or audio format accessible from this site.  Expect it sometime in September of 2000.  In the meanwhile, you should look into the valuable material and information these experts have to offer.

Anthony Almada is the founder of Imaginutrition.  He remains one of the most knowledgeable and ethical researchers in the field.  Check out the latest research at

John Parrillo is hailed by many as the Bodybuilding Guru.  He continues to create some of the most revered supplements for the bodybuilding market.  Visit his website,

Dr. Colgan is on to some powerful anti-aging info.  He astounds me with his ability to continue research, conduct projects, and crank out new books on a wide array of health and fitness topics.  Visit

If you'd like to get an audio tape of Experts Round Table 2000 
(or the original session), 
it's available for $12

Call 305 824-5044 or 1 800 734-7865
or Click Here for Ordering Options

Note: Fitness Professionals and Personal Fitness Trainers can receive the tape free by ordering my new Personal Training Profits book. 
 Use the Quick Order Form and mention the tape in the "comments" box.

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Update 7/3/2000 - Core Training & Metabolism Boosters

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site designed and operated by
Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness Associates
1304 SW 160th Ave., #337
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33326
(305) 824-5044  (954) 389-0280
Fax (954) 742-3173