Comments RE: Update, 9-19-01

On September 19 I posted my personal feelings on the World Trade Center attack and it's impact upon our lives. As of September 25 I'd received over 650 responses, far more than I imagined, and by the 28th the number of responses exceeded 1000! And they're still pouring in! This illustrates that people need to connect, to share, and to express their emotions. I've included some of the comments here. To everyone who has responded, your thoughts have been so well stated and your words so obviously heartfelt I feel it important for you to know I will read them all. I only regret that there are far too many for me to share in this forum. I believe that the few that I can include here will echo those thoughts and emotions we all share - Phil Kaplan

  • "Hello Phil, I just read what you had to say about the tragic events of the past week. When I spoke to you last week, I didn't want to admit to you how I really felt. I, like yourself and many others, wanted to help but didn't know what to do. I prayed, I gave blood, I cleaned out all my bank accounts, I inquired about enlistment into the armed forces - all without any feeling of satisfaction. I felt helpless. My life, career, and mission no longer mattered. My entire focus was on what can I do to help. To hear my friends voices who were near the sites was the sweetest of sounds. To listen to my clients as they are saddened by the loss of family and friends, weighed heavy upon my emotions. I thought a lot about what had happened and what the future holds for all of us. Overall, one emotion dominated all others - GRATITUDE. Suddenly, I refused to take anyone or anything for granted and made extra time to spend with my friends and family. I talked to people I haven't seen or heard from in years. I often talk to complete strangers when I am out and about, but now it was different. I felt a new sense of unification, patriotism. As if we are all team mates. We have a common cause or purpose. We want the same things. It is great to know that when the going gets tough we can all come together and become one. That's powerful! On Monday morning, I was speaking with a extremely intelligent client of mine who understands what life is really about. He asked me, "Billy, You are more important to the world right now than I think you know." " What you do is clear heads and give people energy to go on." " You relieve stress. Others look to you for answers and leadership. You must not let up. If you do, then many others will be disappointed. You make people better people." I never thought of it that way before. As fitness professionals that is what we do - We make people better people - both physically and mentally. " We empower our clients and all those who we influence the ability to take control of the way they look, think and feel. Each of us must realize that we have a massive impact on the lives of numerous Americans. After the attacks, I initially questioned the importance of my career. However, I now know that as a fitness professional, it is my (it is our) responsibility to make people feel good by allowing them to escape and manage problems, pressure, and tragedy.Peace, love and strength for America."
    • Billy Beck, Personal Fitness Trainer


  • "Hi Phil, I appreciate your outpouring of emotion regarding this past week of horror. I feel it is important to carry on what we do and embrace the unity that has come from this horrible event. We have to be strong and healthy to carry on the task ahead of us and this is what I have been telling my clients who feel too sickened to work out. I feel good has already come of this evil - as it must or all of those lost lives will mean nothing - I'm proud to be an American and have a new respect and understanding of our place in this world. We must be physically and mentally fit to beat this enemy. Thanks for giving me the tools to help my clients be their best. Yours in Health."
    • Jody Twer Body Basics Personal Training Hatboro, Pa


  • "Phil, For me it's back to work as usual in the Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue Department. As a Fire Officer and public servant, it is imperative that we continue to serve the needs of our community and still offer our generous donations, condolences, and prayers to the people, firefighters, police officers, and the Mayor of New York City. I lost two FDNY friends in the World Trade Center and feel numb each time I think about the tragic events. Words (other than unthinkable) alone cannot describe the tragedy that has occurred in our nation. As a nation of Americans we will pull together and band as one to quell terrorism at its roots. May God Bless America and the Free World."
    • Christopher J. Weir BPA CFEI Assistant Fire Marshal Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue


  • "Phil, First of all I'd like to thank you for posting your thoughts on your site. It brings us the sense that our country is truly getting smaller, and closer in this tragic time. It's still difficult to believe that all this has happened. I could see the footage a hundred more times and it would still seem like I've been watching a bad Schwartzeneger movie. As I watched to second plane strike the second tower I was at first surprised that the tower held up. Soon after the tower came crumbling down. I'm still waiting for the realization to finally set in. The Thursday after the attack the wind shifted and the smell of smoke from the city reached my home, more than 20 miles away from Manhattan. My emotions are also cycling through disbelief, sadness, anger, and a desire for revenge. My home town is one the north shore of Long Island, so there are several spots where you can see the NYC skyline. One road in particular, lighthouse road, is a place people frequently go to observe the wonder of the skyline, particularly at night. Since it's a one way road, the cops make sure to keep the road clear, at least they used to. Now people visit the road even more. The cops don't seem to mind anymore. As I mentioned before, even though we've all seen the footage dozens of times, it still seems like a bad movie, or a horrible dream, until we see it right in front of us. It's worse at night than you've heard. Yes the towers are gone, but it's not just a gapping hole in the landscape. The fires are still burning, and there are still still rescue workers at the site round-the-clock. The powerful lights that are used to illuminate the work space give the smoke an eerie glow as rises into the air, like an immense funeral pyre. You'd think it were a special effect it you weren't there. "There" being about 26 miles away. This last Sunday I was in the city, and it was pretty much the same, except it was bigger, larger than life. I almost got physically sick the first time I saw what had happened without the benefit of the sterilizing eye of the television cameras, but it gets easier. I can't tell you how encouraging it was to be told by Long Blood Services that I should call back in a week and a half, to keep hearing from the governor that they have too many volunteers, more than enough supplies. In spite of the reputation that Americans in general, and New Yorkers in particular have somehow gotten, the whole world knows that we truly are a family. That like siblings, we may bicker about a great deal of things, when something major happens, we all come together. As cold it may seem, I'm also comforted by the irony of people fleeing the countries that may be harboring those animals that initiated this horrible attack. If the purpose of terrorism if to illicit a fearful response, it would seem to me that the plan has backfired. I won't say that life is back to normal here by any means, but we're trying to go about our business. That's really all we can do. Let our government and our military take care of the terrorists, and let us show them that they can't keep us down."
    • Stephen Szwed, Personal Fitness Trainer, NY


  • Phil, I think that we need to continue to take care of our health and reduce our stress by not putting a halt to our personal fitness. We will be a better and stronger country because of these cowardly acts by others. We will have to give up a few of our freedoms of ease, but it is well worth it. If this had not happened, our country would not have had anything to do with the changes we are going to live with from now on. Together we stand and the better we will be . . . from a very sad and pissed off American
    • "JD" Durso


  • "Thanks, Phil, for your wise words in these troubling times. As a personal trainer working with clients in Manhattan, I have witnessed firsthand the amazing impact last week's events, and the ongoing struggle, have resulted in. One of my fellow trainers lost a client in the 2 WTC building. One of my valued clients is an executive with Citigroup, whose offices were in the 7 WTC building. Fortunately, he and his office staff escaped safely, but not without exposure to some gruesome sights. I met with this client last night for the first time since last Tuesday's tragedy. He has been going through an incredibly trying week, dealing with the ordinary business decisions of his worklife (now made extraordinary by the nature of the change in the economy) compounded by dealing with the grief and stress being felt by his superiors and his employees. In talking with him, one thing came through clearly: while he has had difficulty sleeping; while he is working incredibly long hours; while he is struggling -- his workouts and his runs in Central Park are providing an amazing refuge for him. We all know this is true. We know how in the last year more and more reports have come out showing the benefits of exercise for depression/anxiety/mood disorders/stress management. We also know that our clients need us, now more than ever, to be active helpers in their quest for optimizing their health and wellness. I would encourage fitness professionals to educate themselves regarding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (A good preliminary website is Some of the very things which can manifest in people's reaction to tragic events will make our work with them even more challenging -- but if we are equipped with more information, we can hopefully make that journey an easier one. I wish other trainers and fitness professionals the best in the weeks and months ahead. Sincerely."
    • Seth Swoboda, Personal Fitness Trainer, NY


  • "Hi Phil, Thank you for your powerful, well-written message. I'm glad to hear your family is OK. Two of my co-workers were actually staying at the Marriott World Trade Center the morning of Sept. 11th. (You can read about one in today's Sun-Sentinel in the Lifestyle section - the article titled "Plantation Lawyer Hails 'Incredible' New Yorkers".) Both of these co-workers got out safely. My cousin's husband, who works at the Pentagon, was late for work last Tuesday morning and is also safe. A partner from my firm's NY office went across the street to the WTC to lend assistance. He has not been heard from since. As someone who has always used any and every excuse to eat like a pig, drink too much alcohol and stop exercising, I have amazed myself by staying on track through this horrible tragedy. In fact, since last Tuesday, my workouts and supportive eating are the only things that feel normal about the world lately. I hope you will go forward with your October 4th seminar - I am looking forward to attending and being motivated. thanks again"
    • Marci


  • "Once the pain, shock, and horror of the recent terrorist attacks has passed, we are then faced with the question, "How do we go on?" The one concept that keeps surfacing in my mind is that given the ephemeral nature of life - we don't know how long we have and are not guaranteed anything - we have an obligation to use our talents, skills, and abilities to live our lives as best we can and to touch the lives of others in a positive way. To fail to do so is a waste of our inherent gifts. Our days should be marked by a sense of purpose, direction, and a ceaseless commitment to be the best we can be. A quote from Emerson communicates this idea wonderfully, "To laugh often much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, wheter by a healthy child, a garden know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!"
    • Jonathan Ross, Personal Trainer, Bowie, MD


  • "Dear Phil, In light of the recent tragedy we at Vortex decided to hold off for most of last week to mourn the loss and to see where our help could best be used. Delaware, our business headquarters, is in between NY and Washington. As a company whose mission is to develop products and services that better the lives of those around us (as is your company) we felt compelled to put off life as usual for a time. As a former US Marine I also am of the strong belief that we can not let those who have done this take away our lives altogether. To do so would be another victory for them. We as a company have decided that on Monday we are to be ready to do anything asked of us by our country and/or those in need and to resume our work as before to the best extent possible. In this way we will best be able to beat back this foe and show we can do whatever it takes to win this new war and live our lives as a free people. We hope and pray that all of those in your families and business are safe. Take care."
    • Bob Piane CEO Vortex Fitness and Wellness Equipment


  • "I reflect your sentiments. It is difficult to carry on with "business as usual". But I am trying. Take solice in that your feelings are shared by many."
    • Ken Edelson, Director HealthQuest Fitness & Therapy Personal Training Center


  • "Dear Phil, I had no intention of opening your e-mail, leaving for my husband to read at some time. But, in an attempt to clear out our messages, I opened it, thinking that it would be a "quick delete". Your opening paragraph captured my attention and heart. I,like so many others, have become obsessed with the horror that took place last week. I find myself watching the news, listening to news in the car, reading every bit of information that is released about the situation. I have lost focus of my personal goals feeling like they really don't matter right now. I feel such sadness and anger. I try not to let my children see my great concern, but they are perceptive. Although they're young in years, (6, 4, and 20 months) and have been kept sheltered from what happened, they know something is up. How do we get back to normal? I ask myself this question all day. But there is that ever present question lingering: What is going to happen next? There is fear in me of what our future holds. There is anger in me towards these inhumans that caused such hell. There is deep pain and sadness in me for the victims and there loved ones. This could have been any of us. Today, my husband came home early to give me a hand. He knows I'm not myself. He knows I'm struggling with all of this. He encouraged me to go to the gym, something that I LOVE so much, but I just couldn't find it in me. Instead, I lay on the bed catching up on the news, and inevitably falling asleep. I woke up to a quiet home, and scurried to the computer to check my messages. So, now, this is where I'm at. Feeling a bit better, thanks to your e-mail that I almost didn't read. THANK YOU, for doing something you probably didn't even know you did. You provided me an outlet for MY uneasy feelings about everything. It is amazing how writing my feelings out has lightened my load a bit. I feel a bit lighter and ready to go to the gym! So, Phil, thank you once again. May you continue to educate and inspire! Your work has been a blessing to me and my husband. Keep doing what you do! I look forward to hearing your most recent program. God Bless."
    • Cuqui Gorman


  • "Dear Phil, I think you summarized so many of the feelings many of us have, but have no where to express them and want to exhibit a "positive front" to our clients and class participants, but feel like crap inside. As you have relatives in NYC, so do I. My brother, who is safe in London now (although his office was evacuated on Tuesday due to a bomb threat), was in NYC Sunday night. He fly home on Monday morning, thankfully, but we weren't sure until Tuesday afternoon (time difference threw us off) that he was ok. A very frightening few hours until I heard my parents had actually talked to him. In a mail message from a cousin in Long Island she writes of a close friend with three young children all under 6 years old, who will have a memorial for her husband, who worked in the WTC, this weekend. Directly affected, no but very close to home. I saw a very disturbing, but well-done report about Afghanistan this evening and how the Taliban treat their countrymen and women. I cried as I saw the undercover reporter interview three girls who saw their mother shot and then when asked what happend during the two days these men took over their home -- were only able to cry. I don't want to know what happened, they are 7, 9 and 12 years old I think. I just cried after I saw their faces and for a brief moment realized they were younger than my own 10 year old daughter. How can a people kill more than 5,000 or more innocent people in NYC and Washington DC? It appears they care little of those in their own homeland, so committing these acts, was done with a different understanding of what is considered sacred to you and I. Death does occur everyday and many for because of inactivity and misuse. I realize myself from reading your books and website updates that there is more that I can do to be a role model and represent a "profesional image" of what a personal trainer really is and what we do. I hope those whom I work with wll remember for how I cared about them and their success than for what I know about how myosin and actin react in their muscles. We recently implemented a new nutrition/fitness program using a RD-approved software package and have acquired 8 new clients. Much of what I presented in the program was influenced by your comments and suggestions. There are 8 women -- 4 of which are obese and are literally "dying" for help. I'm thankful everyday for my own abilities and situation and realize that very easily I could have been one of these women. I hope and pray that I can continue to follow in your footsteps and provide not only value and service, but a caring heart and shoulder for these folks and others to lean on. I hope I've not rambled on. Need to get some reading done -- just received my copy of Transform yesterday and need to study for the NSCA -- CSCS test that I'm taking in November. Keep the faith, thanks for your comments and thanks for listening."
    • Nora Dwyer ACE certified personal trainer Muscatine, Iowa


  • "Hello Phil-- I work for Fox Newschannel as a Miami-based television correspondent. I wrote you a few weeks back concerning how to get back into shape. You answered my email. Thanks. You're right. There are no words right now. I keep doing my job. Trying to get out information to the public as it comes into us. Everyday routines are no longer everyday nor routine. I still want to get into better shape... exactly when... that depends on a whole host of other factors. God bless"
    • Orly (Orlando Salinas, Fox News)


  • "I met with one of my clients four days after the atrocity in New York City and Washington and wherever else. He was a wreck to say the least. He hadn't slept or eatin since the horrible attacks. He had 10 loved ones either missing or dead. At first he said that a fitness lifestyle doesn't seem very important now. We mostly talked about what happened that session. I tried to explain that he has to move forward and neglecting a fitness lifestyle does not make sense because he is still here. I told him to at least eat supportively until the next session which was on monday. That was Saturday. On Monday his spirits were much higher. He said that eating supportively made him feel better and he was going to be commited to a program. He said, " If I have to fight the enemy, I want to be in my best shape ever." Thanks Phil. I think your update has helped my mindset of moving forward and now I want to help as many people as I can."
    • Billy Hofacker, Personal Fitness Trainer


  • "Dear Mr. Kaplan, I have been reading the reports from the Washington Post, AP wires and the British news group: Guardian Unlimited. I have been focusing on the news and reports from the middle East, Central Asia and Northern Africa. I have tried to place myself in the shoes of the very poor and the extremely poor. I can understand their anger at the US. During the Russian invasion of Afghanistan we funneled funds through Pakistan to support the Rebels who became the Taliban, there is a possibility that some of the funds were used by Bin Ladin to create an extensive tunnel system in the mountains of Northern Afghanistan. In Iraq there was a very rich lake that had 100's of different types of migratory birds and two years ago the surrounding villages were able to pull 12,000 tons of fish. This year the lake is a desert. The winds blow the sand from the lake bottom and villages are becoming buried. The large body of water that created the livelihood and fertility of the land is no longer there. Why? Because the Taliban controls the dam that dams up the river that feeds the lake. They shut the river up. These are simply examples of how the actions of governments have further reaching effects than the initial goal. Terrorism is a generational political and social tool. America fought its Independance with somewhat terrorist tactics, the Native Americans also used terrorism, the pirates on the Barbary Coast were particularly successful with terrorism of the seas. Terrorism is an equailzer and the terrorist has many motives and goals. It does not help this country to succumb to some of the goals of terrorism; fear, vengence, and the bringing of the attention of the leader of the richest nation. Bush's handlers need to take a lesson from President Kennedy: During the hijackings of airliners and the landing of these in Cuba Kennedy refused to be deterred from his goal of a summit with the Central and South American countries. By doing this Kennedy was able to stay focussed and the terrorists were caught. Bush needs to get back to the job of governing the country; education, taxes, health care and the economy should be his concerns. The terrorist looses when he can not direct the attention of the President. Let the State Dept., Defense and the military deal with the terrorists now. Terrorists around the world need to see that America will respond to their attacks and at the same time we must also show them that we are going about business as usual and that the President of the US is not letting the attacks deter him from his job of governing. The American people should try to restrain ourselves from utilizing the tactics of the terrorists in contacts with those peoples who practice non-Judeo Christan religions. Terrorism is fought through lack of fear, continued tolerance and vigilance with our safety. We can not completely erradicate terrorism because there are always going to be individuals who desire that those with power share that power. The lack of hope is going to remain for a long time and the various ways that groups promise hope will attract those who are willing to die for that hope. As the distribution of ever scarcer resources become more and more one sided terrorism will continue and perhaps escalate here at home and abroad. I will continue to live my life as I have been and continue to help individuals to attain their goal of increased fitness. I will continue educate my clients on health issues so that they can make informed decisions. I will continue to guide my children to become responsible and contributing individuals. I will continue to encourage those who seek my advice to be patient and to remain focussed on their goals. Thank you for "listening"."
    • Carrie Sasynuik


  • "This tragedy made me realize how fragile life on earth important it is to appreciate everyday, and all of the wonderful friends and family members each one of us has. Tragedy can happen to any of us at anytime. Live life to its fullest and make sure those you love know you love them. Be thankful to those that risk their lives everyday to make our world a safer place in which to live."
    • Geoff Dyer, Owner, Lifestyle Fitness Centers, Tampa


  • "Phil, I have a totally different attitude than I have these past 3-4 years about myself in reference to the tragedy. I feel more compelled to get myself in the best shape ever. I don't want to curl up and sit on the couch, watch TV, or hang inside so much anymore. I want to be outside, active, eat well, and have included some light weight work-out sessions in my daily routine. I am taking it one day at a time, and trying to get myself to lose 30-40 pounds. My attitude is that, I don't want to keep feeling "fat" and out of shape anymore, I want to make life better for myself and feel incredible about my body one day, and not keep putting it off till "tomorrow". Tomorrow may never come. Thanks."
    • Susan Toolan


  • "Hi Phil, First of all, let me say that I am glad that your family in NYC is safe, and thank you for sharing, as you always do, from your heart. Here are my thoughts on this disaster and what has been going on for me: I heard about the horrible acts of terrorism just as we were learning about the plane that crashed near Pittsburg. I e-mailed a friend near there immediatley to be sure he was okay... Shock, disbelief, fear, and nausea were the first of the emotions I felt. I went to the gym during "peak hours" that evening, and it was almost empty. Everyone who was there felt guilty about being there. Later, and more than once, I cried. As I drove down the road, everything looked the same, but I knew it would never be the same. I hoped it would never be the same. Let me explain: We work in an industry and live in a world governed by the fear that there is not enough to go around. We tend to function within the belief that the more another has, the less there will be for ourselves. Living this way can only lead to destruction. Fear breeds fear and selfish behavior which creates a world of hate and despair. Love breeds even more love,and more opportunity to experience true joy. In the aftermath of this tragedy, the people of America are coming together. My heart is warmed by each American flag I see on peoples' homes and cars. In listening to people, I can see that our old way of thinking is already changing. People are discussing what is really important in their lives, family and friends are coming together. Minor complaints and grudges are put into perspective. I hope that the way things were are never the same again and that we will honor and appreciate ourselves, our lives and others more. My biggest fear is not of another attack, but that we will go back to old ways instead of moving ahead on this new path. We all so desperately want to help. Many have gone to NYC, given blood and made donations. In the last nine days I have wondered how I can really help, how I can really make a difference. Then I realized that we don't all have to go to NYC. I can make a difference right where I am at any given moment. It may be as simple as smiling at the check out clerk in the grocery store, or saying "hello" to someone walking down the street, instead of staring at the sidewalk or past the person. Invest in yourself, and what your purpose is. Don't be afraid to live it and share your wisdom and success so that others will have the courage to do the same. Lets together, help people defeat stress, fatigue and illness. Lets together empower people to have the energy to think straight, to be healthy, productive, and to love. That isn't going to happen within the dog-eat-dog mentality of a society that is rushed, stressed out, and ill. Make no mistake, we have an important job and we can indeed change the world, one person at a time. I can see that my every interaction with another human being is indeed an opportunity to spread health, love and peace. Thank you, Phil for providing this forum."
    • Cristyn Peters, Clinical Exercise Specialist, Catalyst for Change


  • I am currently working as a presenter in Germany. I have been working as program director for Strong, Stretched and Centered on Maui for many years, and we have just brought the program to Europe this last two years. So I have been in Germany while this has been going on in the states. Our trainings have been preaching, practicing and teaching,holistic fitness for over 20 years and we have been preparing the trainers to deal with their clients 'inner stuff'. During times of stress, no matter what type, the psycho-physical aspects of the client needs to be addressed. During this time away from Maui, I continue to teach the methods, away from the safety net of paradise, where it is not so easy to practice mindfulness, patience, love and many other new age ideals. Now here during this radical shift in the world I have the opportunity to clearly see the events from a global perspective. I reach out and teach the same methods that I was taught by my mentor and they work. I have noticed the simplicity of our work right now as trainers or actually, preventative healers. No matter where we are in the world, or what language we speak, religion we practice, we all share the same common emotions as humans. We srive for acceptance and love. People hire us for this reason more than our technical experience whether we realize this or not. We resonate with our clients who, unconsciously, feel we will offer them the opportunity to move deep within their emotional beings. We move them physically, and emotionally, because there is not one without the other. This is the basis of our work as trainers: Peventative health. We need to teach our clients the ways that we know best from our personal and professional experience, how to do just that...and how do we? This stressful time is an opportunity for us to dig deep within our personal belief systems. We have to grow on 'other'levels very quickly to meet the physical distresses and diseases that will accompany this 'new stress' and lifestyle. I see that the idea of living in fear, will now be more of a reality than the imagined fears of the 'good old days' when our clients had only been on prozac for anxiety over not looking like the vogue model. This fear, brings out issues of rage, resentment, anger and more. As a culture, we are told to keep a stiff upper lip, take it like a man, hang in there, hang tough, hang tight and more. Bascially not to show our emotions. The truth is we are working with the body, and the body will not lie. The body will give us all the clues to the emotions. We will have to be prepared for sudden emotional outbursts, depression, and illness. We also need to find the tools to use on ourselves to release these very subtle but deadly thought patterns. Then find creative fun ways to integrate them into our work. We have the opportunity to really make a difference...really make a difference. This is our biggest challenge yet. Not being afraid to get a little closer to real STUFF! The body is like armor, we wear it,our thoughts and emotional clothes arelike a waredrobe. What did your client pick out to wear today? That is the first thing I am looking at. Then proceed with care, compassion and honesty. I am sad sometimes not to be in the states doing the 'work' with 'my people' Then I realize we are all just the same... people need us everywhere. I like to think of this as anti-terrorist work. I tell my clients and students here, even though I am from the US, there will be no guns, bomb or terror in this room. We all laugh and get on with 'the work' I just wanted to share this insight with you and I think your doing some great 'work' in the world. You are Magnificent You are Powerful Believe It Own it and GIVE IT AWAY!
    • Claudia Micco CHT and PT


  • "First, thank you for your note, expressing the confusion and dispair that we all feel. I read your update and share alot of your opinions. It's been 12 days since the tragedy, and I agree, not one of us will ever be the same again. Although, I am thankful that no one I know was lost, my heart is broken for those that did. I am afraid what is yet to come, but I pray everyday that our leaders make the decisions that will be the most difficult of their lives. It's true that we are all different now, and that while our country suffers and enourmous loss, I see something else, something miraculous. It is in our nature to adapt and go on, to bear horrible grief and loss, and go on. I see that happening now. We will never forget, and when we need each other we have proven that we will be here for each other, but the undeniable spirit of our country has shown it's self stronger than any terrorist act. Our lives will resume, we will go on, wiser, a bit more sad, but we will prosper. I started "The Answer" on 9/10/01, and I'll tell you, it was very difficult to eat my meals and exercise when felt sick most of the time. But I did and I am, my first 2 weeks are completed. Admist the horror and anger i'm feeling, I actually have something to feel proud about. For the first time in my life, I'm committed to making this change. From going from eating 1-2 huge meals a day to this, sheer genius. I have already felt my clothes start to losen and (believe this or not) my seasonal allergies have all but disappeared! I never thought that would happen! I look forward to this continuing and my health (and body) getting stronger and stronger. Phil, thanks again for pouring so much of yourself into this, and for giving me a bright spot of joy when there is so much pain. I hope you and your family are well, I wish you happiness."
    • Sincerely, Kristine, Rochester, NY


  • "I was on my book tour when this horrible, indescribable thing happened. I am back in my office in Fort Lauderdale now. And I am 'dazed and confused' as they say. I am having a difficult time functioning as I am sure all of you are. And I am trying to find a way to share the past month with you. It is very difficult to find the words to tell you what it was like for me, and what has changed for me now. If you have read my book you already know that I am from New York City. It is my home town, and quite frankly I never wanted to leave it. I was one of those die-hard New Yorkers that wore tee shirts proclaiming such sentiments as "You leave New York-You Go No place!" I am still grieving, still in shock, still wondering how or why…alternating between rage, anger, frustration, fear, and confusion. My city will never be the same again. I was so fiercely proud of that beautiful skyline. I loved the beat of that city, the pace, and the people. I became "Miss New York City" when I won the bodybuilding championship there in 1986. Miss New York City. Yes I do. Forever we will all know where we were on that incredibly terrible day. My husband Pat and I were preparing to go to Grand Rapids Minnesota for our appearance at the public library there the evening of the 11th. When this happened I became near-hysterical, inconsolable, and horrified. How could I possibly go on with this event? How could I get up and speak after this? About what? And to whom??? Who would come out…tear away from TV…why…what for???? I questioned my relevance, my significance in the scheme of things as they were now. Fitness? Nutrition? Health? What is the plan for my life now? How am I supposed to contribute? Would could I do that would really make a difference in the midst of all this tragedy and horror? We called the library certain they would cancel the event. Surely they did not want a gathering in a public place. Surely people were terrified and grief-stricken and would not come out anyway. But they asked that we come. They did not want to cancel. Pat and I invited a pastor to the library to lead us in prayer should anyone show up. 110 people came out to see us that evening-the evening of those horrible, tragic, unspeakable events. Lois Scanlon, the wonderful director of the Grand Rapids Public Library introduced us through tears saying, "We did not cancel this event because small town America will not cower in fear of terrorism, we will go on with life!" Pastor Michael Eckert led us in healing prayer, Pat sang his beautiful Christian Folk music that lifted spirits and consoled hurting hearts, and I…well I gave my talk, albeit a subdued departure from my usual wackiness. But my message has more urgency than ever now. In a time where it seems that we have lost control…it is important to take control of what we can, and that is the health and condition of our bodies. Never before has it been so important to be your personal best. I know now…especially since so many people came out to my events after this tragedy left us in fear and uncertain of the future…that God's plan for me is still the same. People want answers, more now than ever. And health and fitness professionals such as myself are here to motivate you, to inspire you, and to educate you so you can be healthy and strong and less vulnerable. We will continue to do what we do, so we will be a healthier nation. Take control of your bodies…and you will have more confidence in this strange new time. God Bless."
    • Donna Michaels, Fitness Professional, Author, Burn Fat For Fuel

Please send me your comments regarding this Update. Help me understand how your life has been affected and how this horrific event has impacted your outlook on health and well being. I will post within the next 10 days comments I collect from Fitness Professionals. Please e-mail your comments to or use the standard contact form.

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Previous Updates:

Update 8/15 - Myths, Fallacies, False Beliefs
Update 8/1 - The Internet, Leptin, Steroids, and more
Update 7/9 - The New Supplements
Update 6/14 - Seminar offerings and clarity on "Brownies"
Update 5/29 - Lose Weight, Eat Brownies?!?!?
Update 5/1/01
- Pizza, Beer, and Fitness
Update 4/7/01 - "Phil-osophies" and Rip-Off Realities!
Update 4/1/01 - Gourmet Recipes!
Update 3/15/01 - Research Has Proven?
Update 3/1/01 - Preparing for The New Infomercial
Update 2/1/01 - Time, Space, Matter, and Energy
Update 1/15/01 - Atkins hits the UK
Update 10/7/00 - Supplements, Additional Clarity
Update 7/27/00 - The Experts Round Table, Almada, Colgan, Parillo
Update 7/3/00 - Core Training & Metabolism Boosters

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site designed and operated by
Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness Associates
1304 SW 160th Ave., #337
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33326
(305) 824-5044  (954) 389-0280
Fax (954) 742-3173