Why EAT?

by Phil Kaplan

Amidst all of the nutritional confusion, I’ll begin with a point we all agree upon in answer to the question, “Why EAT?”   

We eat to survive. 

We agree.  Well, almost all of us.  Once, midway through a seminar, I was interrupted by a Breathatarian who told me he lives on air (yes, a Breatharian), but with that exception and possibly a few space aliens who may be inhabiting human life forms, we eat to survive. 

Keeping it simple, and staying in the realm of “information we can almost all agree upon,” I’ll add another statement. 

We eat for fuel.   

The macronutrients we ingest are all potential fuel substrates.  Carbohydrates, despite their indictment over the past few years by diet mongers, are your body’s preferred source of fuel, not only for performance, but also for the brain.  Fats, despite food manufacturers willingness to turn them into hydrogenated cellular villains, are the most calorie dense energy substrate, and when carbs and fats are in short supply, proteins are efficiently metabolized. 

At this point I’ve ruffled few feathers if any.  I expect that at this point, almost everyone reading along will nod in agreement.   

  • We eat to survive. 
  • We eat for fuel. 

My intention is to keep building upon this simple foundation in an attempt to help you understand the basics of a concept I’ve coined, supportive eating, and the opportunity to make supportive nutrition simple in a complex world, so as I move toward explaining the virtue of a supplemental aid, I’ll continue stacking simple nutritional facts in a manner I hope most find palatable. 

  • We eat . . . to grow tissue. 

If you’ve spent any time among grandmothers, amateur philosophers, or media savvy nutrition experts, you’ve heard the phrase, “you are what you eat.”  If you take that statement only half literally, I’d have to say it’s true.  No, you aren’t likely to grow gills if you enjoy a tuna salad, but as foods are digested they provide amino acids and minerals that ultimately become cellular structures.  Skin, muscle, and virtually everything you see when you look in the mirror naked are composed of amino acids, and those structural little building blocks find their way into your system when you ingest proteins. 

So, we eat to survive, we eat for fuel, and we eat to provide the raw material for cellular growth and repair.  Is that a complete answer to the question, “why eat?”  Nope.  We eat because we get hungry, we eat because we love food, we eat out of conditioned habit, we eat because some social occasions dictate gluttony, and we also eat because “dinner and a movie” are often the seminal rites of dating. 

Are there other important virtues of eating beyond survival, fuel, growth, pleasure, satiety, and social benefit?  Plenty.  Micronutrients we find in meals are the catalysts and drivers of the immune system, of the endocrine system, of neurotransmission, and of thermoregulation. 

So far this has been a very simple article veering not very far from the mainstream.  This, however, is where it turns.  This is where I tell you that food manufacturers are not your friends, that advertisers are paid hundreds of millions of dollars to twist your thinking so you believe bad food is good food, and this is where I reveal what I believe to be the primary reasons behind the fattening of America.

If fat loss is a goal, you might have followed the parade of well-intentioned people trying to reduce by pursing a path of deprivation.  Conventional fat loss wisdom (a contradiction in terms) says “stop eating!”  There are two oft-ignored facts in the language of deprivation-based dieting. 

  • Meals providing a mix of fuel substrates and cellular material are a must if anyone is going to maintain or improve health and optimal body composition
  • If you want to lose fat, you want to boost metabolism, and if you want to boost metabolism, you have to EAT! 

The problem, therefore, is dieting, the most revered approach to weight loss, is purely ineffective and due to the inevitable loss of lean body mass, its guaranteed to slow metabolism.  So, the primary challenge most dieters face is, they’re neglecting to recognize the need for eating in order to optimize metabolism and fat loss. 

When dieters binge, they typically opt for sugar-laden food which presents the second primary challenge.  We love sugar, and rightly so.  It is our most readily available source of quick energy.  A little snack now and then is justifiably pleasurable, and the birthday cake and ice cream sundae should be welcome rituals.  The challenge is, sugar is addictive.  Eat a simple sugar and blood glucose rises.  The pancreas makes shifts in its hormonal production resulting in two outcomes.  First, the body, in an aggressive “sugar storage” mode, reduces its momentary ability to access fat as fuel.  Body fat gets locked in place.  Secondly, the pancreas makes more insulin than you need to restore blood sugar to normal and when pancreatic insulin has transported blood glucose into the muscles and liver, you’re left with residual low blood sugar.  Little chemicals work their way up to your brain driving you to consume . . . sugar. 

If you learn to eat supportive meals, frequent natural balances of lean proteins, quality complex and fibrous carbs, and ample essential fatty acids, and you minimize sugar intake, you develop a distinctive power.  You hold the power to control your metabolism. 

EAT is the name of a meal replacement product; a powder that took me a decade to refine, develop, and evolve into its present formula.   

EAT! is an acronym.  It stands for Exercise Advantage Technologies, and the, “Exercise Advantage” is an important consideration. 

There isn’t any simple sugar in EAT!, nor is there any magic.  There aren’t any secret hormones that carve out lean muscle, evaporate fat, or give you the sex drive of a crazed bull.  There is, however, an exceptional blend of nutrients for anyone who chooses to stimulate new protein synthesis, optimize the efficiency of the heart and lungs, and put the body in a state where it wants to release and burn fat.  In short, EAT! includes an optimal nutrient profile for anyone who maintains an exercise lifestyle. 

I included the most biologically valuable forms of protein, a protein blend based on research revealing keys to protein absorption.  I included slow release energy substrates acting as complex carbohydrates.  I included a slow release source of glucose in a formula free from simple sugars.  You’ll find a very complete vitamin profile including anti-oxidants and metabolic catalysts and a complete array of foundational minerals. 

EAT! has added glutamine peptides for preservation of lean body mass and added phosphatidylserine to help manage the stress hormones.   

In closing, I’ll return to the original question, but this time as it relates to choosing a valuable meal replacement. 

Why EAT? 

By now I should be crystal clear.  EAT! is a nutrient blend designed to provide the macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) found in a supportive meal.  It’s enhanced with additional factors with the intention of it being an ideal aid, in conjunction with exercise, to boost metabolism, optimize body composition, and maintain health.  No magic.  No hype.  Just an aid in turning “supportive nutrition” into a real-world pursuit with a thrilling outcome! 

Click Here to Order EAT! in great tasting Vanilla or Chocolate

(Note: The newest version of EAT! is called EAT! Pro!)

Click Here to Read More About EAT! Pro!

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