Invasion of the Evil Diet Mongers

It’s the year 2012 and after completing their ritual exercise session, Chase, a 9 year old boy, looks up at his well muscled dad and asks the inevitable question,

“Dad, why is everybody that we know so fat?”

The physically fit Dad knew the day would come that he’d be asked to explain why he was "different," and thankfully he had the answer, an answer that was chilling, an answer that he knew was going to alter the course of his son's life. Yes, Dad knew the real story. He sat down, took a deep breath, and began . . .

Somewhere beyond the Milky Way, Snommis, the ruler of the Kaznorg race announced he’d come to a decision. The threat of extinction was growing real, and time was running out. Snommis announced that the inhabitants of their home planet, the planet they call Faraway, will have to venture beyond their own solar system if the Kaznorg are to live on.

[ Time out for a note from Phil . . . if you haven't yet noticed, I at times struggle with mildly creative yearnings to spin yarns, to tell tales, to venture off into delusional escapades for reasons I dare not attempt to answer lest I come to find out I'm in serious need of therapy. In cases such as this I indulge these yearnings, but I'll give you an opportunity to escape. If you click here you can jump right to the relatively sane part regarding diet realities . . . if not, read at your own risk and don't say I didn't warn you ].

The story continues . . . .

For the past decade the Kaznorg had been slowly but surely exhausting their food supply. As anyone born on Faraway knows, Kaznorgs survive by consuming fat, lots of fat, nothing but fat. The Kaznorg farmers raised livestock, but since it’s an entirely different galaxy, their livestock looked nothing like earth’s cows, chickens, or pigs. The prime “stock” was the Blubbo which resembled a huge balloon filled with Jello. Up until the famine began the Blubbo were abundant and reproduced with great enthusiasm. Then, for reasons only apparent to the Blubbo themselves, reproduction ceased. The abundant food supply suddenly became finite and when things started hitting the critical stage Snommis was driven to initiate the invasion.

The Kaznorg rub antennae and make buzzing noises when they are elated, and when Snommis made the announcement the buzz was heard around the planet. Kaznorg scientists had been studying other galaxies and they found Earth, a planet inhabited by beings made in part of good old delicious fat. Snommis announced the Kaznorgs will invade Earth, and he had a plan.

The invasion would be slow, deliberate, and subtle.

The plan involved quietly adapting human form and gradually fattening up the Earth beings, ultimately breeding a new superior type of livestock so the Kaznorgs can live and flourish. The first scouts come back with marvelous news. Earth beings, called humans, have some semblance of intelligence, but little common sense, so they can easily be persuaded and influenced.

The invasion began to take shape and soon thereafter a spaceship landed and the alien beings with yellow paper-like skin and antennae hid below the Brooklyn Bridge where they used high-tech equipment to study and monitor the human race. The first mission was to create an icon, to adopt the form of an earth being who appeared non-threatening but can be held up on a pedestal as a guru. Snommis was going to be the first. He volunteered to take human shape, but the first attempt was . . . ummm . . . well, a first attempt. He wound up a little too rotund, had not come to fully grasp gender differences, and he still had much to learn about human personality.

When Snommis, in his new form, was unleashed upon an unsuspecting Earth public, he needed a new identity. He reversed the letters of his name and made "Simmons" his surname, as on Earth the beings were referred to by both first names and last names. Snommis took on the common first name, "Richard," and tried to reach the population through talk shows and infomercials. He gained some popularity, but too many people began to suspect something was awry.

Earth beings were often heard saying, "I think Richard Simmons is from another planet," so Snommis and the scientists, for fear of being discovered, went back to work. Snommis also, in the process, found an affection for dancing with oldies . . . but I digress . . . on with the story . . .

The Kaznorg researchers observed people walking down the streets of New York and zeroed in on a chubby fellow with graying hair and a receding hair line. After much debate the Kaznorg scientists agreed, this would be an ideal model. Kaznorg surgeons went to work and within a matter of months they had completed the transformation. Snikta, one of their most trusted scouts, was now in human form.

The Kaznorg Research Group (KRG) continued to monitor earth behavior and they were amazed by earth’s fascination with old reruns of Three’s Company. In space alien language Snikta, who now, in his new form found Kaznorg women a bit less attractive grew excited and began to buzz so loud bees swarmed KRG headquarters. Snikta, the being on which the fate of the entire Kaznorg race rested, issued a command. He shouted, “addddooooooli-hrmphh-krisssseeee.” That's Kaznorg for, “those earth people seem to like the one they call Chrissy. Make me a Chrissy look alike.”

With the completion of a non-threatening stocky balding male and a very sexy blonde human female, the only factor left was to choose a command center. A study of Earth traffic flow indicated South Beach was the place.

The plan was complete. The Kaznorg will invade Earth. Snikta will reverse the letters of his name and call himself a doctor, the replica of Chrissy will sell a thigh-reducing device knowing it will position her as an expert, and they’ll plant their spaceship in South Beach to suck people into their trap. The goal: fatten earth people.

Snikta, with the letters reversed, became Atkins, and putting the heading “doctor” before the name added great appeal. Dr. Atkins released a book telling Americans that they’d need to give up carbs, full knowing that this strategy in the long run would create earth beings with the body composition of young ripe Blubbos. To further confuse these beings, the Chrissy clone came out with a program she called, “Sommercize” where she discouraged humans from consuming fats and to make matters worse, informed them of the hazards of eating proteins and carbs together. This strategy would of course lead to the ingestion of small servings made up of low calorie foods leading to gradual metabolic slowdown. Of course the allure of South Beach was heightened when the Kaznorg creatively put forth “The South Beach Diet," an approach contradicting much of what both the fat eaters and the fat avoiders believed.

Earthlings were oh so gullible. Their vanity was their weakness, and as long as they were told that “diets” would make them look and feel better, they’d ignore evidence to the contrary and follow Dr. Atkins, Sommercize, and The South Beach Diet blindly, moving from one to the other without ever recognizing the perils of metabolic sabotage.

All was wonderful for the Kaznorgs, and they were getting ready to abandon Faraway and inhabit their new home, but just around the turn of the century, people started second guessing the Atkins idea. They seemed to be realizing that avoiding carbs wasn't working. This was predictable, so the Kaznorg masterminds were prepared. They'd simply create a new clone. They'd take their greatest interplanetary psychologist, Lihp, and ask him to poison the minds of humans so these fat-storing beings would feel guilty, miserable, and unhappy with themselves. These negatively reinforced feelings would no doubt drive earthlings to, despite their better judgment, revert back to ineffective calorie deprivation.

Following the strategy used for Snikta, reversing the letters of the name and adding the word Dr., the secret weapon was released. A new clone, one of a bald man with a mustache was let loose. Dr. Phil emerged targeting America where it was weakest. Through Oprah!

By the time 2006 rolled around, the Kaznorg were stealing about 30 billion dollars a year from America’s economy with several billion pouring in from Europe as well. All looked bleak, but there was hope.

The father, exhausted from telling the story, pulled his son close. "Son," he continued. "I am part of a secret organization, an organization committed to battling the Kaznorg." It was a proud moment when the father opened the secret door and revealed “The Synergy Room,“ a room where people exercised and ate correctly consuming supportive meals every 3 - 3 1/2 hours.

"Be strong, son, the battle continues. The Kaznorg are slick cunning beings, and they’re growing hungrier by the minute. They continue to come out with new diets attempting to prevent Earth Beings from identifying the Fitness Truth, but together we shall defeat the Kaznorg evil."

The son took the sacred oath, "I hereby commit to battle the diets, to maintain a balance between the Right Nutrition, Moderate Aerobic Exercise, and a Concern for Muscle," and the father grew teary eyed as his only offspring committed to a mission initiated by Phil Kaplan, the first to identify the Kaznorg invasion. Kaplan had since been committed to an insane asylum, a clever tactic the Kaznorg used as they gradually infiltrated the population with their cloned doctors and psychologists.

There was one thing the father had left to do. Ready to hand over the sacred document, the father looked deeply into his son's eyes and prepared the young man for the words few had seen. "Phil Kaplan remains determined to share the fitness truth, despite the power of his captors. He's a great man, albeit a little conceited. He's so determined to keep the mission alive that just before the 2006 capture, he released the following document, a document that, given time and the right strategy, can save the world."

The father sighed, as he knew this was a moment to remember, the moment he shared The Fitness Truth with his son.

“Son, once you read this your life will never be the same.”


A Review of the Latest Spins on Calorie Deprivation

by Phil Kaplan, 2006

Diets. They're invading and they don't seem to be letting up. Worst of all, with all of these conflicting dietary offerings, America and the world are growing fatter and fatter. This document is intended to provide clarity, to give people back their common sense. Here, with that in mind, is a review of some of the "popular" diets.

The French Women’s Diet

In 2004 the U.S. Census Bureau released statistics from their International Data Base related to obesity in not only the U.S., but worldwide. You might be surprised to find out that based on their sampling, more than 1/3 of France's population falls into the overweight category. Worse yet, from 1997 to 2003, obesity in France escalated a whopping 40%! With that said, I think there is some virtue to the book that drives the "diet," French Women Don't Get Fat; The Secret of Eating For Pleasure by Mireille Guiliano. If I can take the liberty of attempting to simplify it's premise, eat foods you like and observe an approach of moderation. Use fresh tasty ingredients and don't skip meals. If we limited the approach to these "tips," there's little to debate. The challenge lies in America's "just tell me what to do and I'll do it" mentality. Our population has been so overly exposed to deprivation plans, we're dealing with a psychology that needs readjusting. To give the average American dieter "permission" to eat rich chocolate leads to inner conflict and confusion. I believe the book is worth reading, but is it going to offer a solution for American dieters in search of a solution? I'd have to bet against it. While a book explaining the virtues of slowly enjoying a lunch in a social environment may idealistically feed the search for a solution, it doesn't translate to American lifestyle, pressures, and habits. The French Women's Diet is not a dietary solution, it's simply a perspective on a population's relationship with food.

Collagen "Diets"

Many compounds are sold holding collagen protein up as a weight loss solution. They are accompanied by marketing thrusts that ask users to take a teaspoon or tablespoon of the formula three hours before bed on an empty stomach. The FTC has brought charges against several companies touting collagen protein as a weight loss solution. Click here for more on Collagen as a Weight Loss Aid.

Weight Watchers

Often called "the most sensible," and sound in its approach from a healthy eating standpoint, Weight Watchers has gone through various reinventions going from "exchanges" to "points," and more recently their "no counting plan." While I believe Weight Watchers is a well intentioned organization, and when compared scientifically to other "diets" it's a sure bet to come out as "more successful," the success I believe is most attributed to their support network. That doesn't make me an advocate of the approach, as the "programs" are still based on restricting calories, regardless of the spin, and when evaluated in terms of long term results, they come up as having limited success at best. More

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What's Wrong With Cutting Calories?
Diets for over a century have been built upon the concept of cutting calories. It is true that if you take in more calories than the body is going to utilize excesses will be stored as fat, but that doesn't mean cutting calories leads to fat loss. The systems of the body are designed to protect you, and the endocrine system doesn't understand why you're cutting calories. If you take in fewer calories than is necessary to sustain metabolism, protective mechanisms kick in to slow metabolism down. The body will begin to catabolize (feed off of) muscle tissue in a calorie deprived state. While this leads to a short term reduction in weight, muscle is metabolically active tissue. By destroying calorie-burning tissue, the body reaches a new "set point" where it requires fewer calories to sustain metabolism. The outcome - metabolism is slower, the body is going to be more efficient at storing fat, and the caloric intake that used to be required for maintenance will not lead to fat accumulation. Continued calorie deprivation leads to alterations in thyroid hormone production, increases in lipoprotein lipase production (a fat-storing enzyme), alterations in neurotransmission driving people toward sugars and fats (cravings), and inevitable abandonment of the diet. I know there's a temptation to believe cutting calories is sound, but if you look at the evolution of our population and seek a correlation with the emergence of calorie-reducing diets, it's clear that as more diets emerge we as a population become fatter. The diet industry succeeds primarily because it fails people. If calorie restriction were in fact a solution, wouldn't the first diet you tried have "worked?" Here's where it's important to allow common sense to jump in and to at the very least open your mind to the possibility that the solution may lie in a strategy other than the one that is the most touted and the most lucrative for diet sellers.



No need to stir up controversy here (as if I haven't already). I have several articles I've written addressing the Atkins diet and the one that stirs up the most interesting mix of "Phil you're an idiot" comments and "thank you for providing clarity" expressions is the one you'll find by clicking here. The bottom line . . . there's more to the Atkins Diet than "just cutting carbs" and there's more to the healthy fat loss equation than demonizing carbohydrates and inviting saturated fats.

South Beach

More grounded than Atkins, creating important distinctions between EFA's and saturated fats, and "allowing" for more carbohydrate leeway, the South Beach diet has an Atkinesque induction phase. At the onset, you cut carbs to near zero and the resultant water loss creates the illusion of early weight loss success. Find more here.

Hunza Bread

Up up high in the Himalayan mountains, the Hunza people live to be 120 years old, they father children in their 90's, and they're free from disease. Such is the premise upon which unscrupulous operators who hold up a bread recipe as the Hunza secret build their empires. They simply ask that you fold up a nice crisp American twenty-dollar bill in an envelope, affix postage, and send it overseas to a P.O. Box. If you're tempted . . . you better read a bit more about Hunza bread.

The Hamptons Diet

Take the Atkins Diet, drench it in Macadamia Nut oil, and you have the book by Fred Pescatore. It seems that if there's a place that finds its way into the public eye as "cool" or "trendy," a diet will be named after it. It was only a matter of time until the Hamptons made the list.

Fit For Life

This 1985 book was authored by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. It sold over a million copies and still attracts new followers both in its original form and in reproductions and imitations by others who claim to find virtue in the Diamonds' approach. Scientists and mainstream nutritionists condemned not only the book, but the author's prefix of "Dr." in front of his name. Dr. Harvey Diamond received his Ph.D. from a non-accredited correspondence school, The American College of Health Science in Austin, Texas, later named the Life Sciences Institute. The school and its founder, T.C. Fry, who passed away in 1996, faced its fair share of scrutiny and controversy. You can research the school and the founder and form your own opinions. The premise that drives Fit For Life is that people gain weight because they consume their proteins and carbohydrates together. The authors go on to explain that the incomplete digestion of foods, as a result of the battle between enzymes specific to protein digestion and those specific to carb digestion, leads to the build up of toxins that ultimately contribute to fat accumulation. The idea of "food combining," making meals specific to one macronutrient, originated over 100 years ago, way before nutritional science developed enough sophistication to bring the level of understanding of nutritional biochemistry we have today, and it was an unfounded theory then as it is now. The reality is, the body is very efficient at digesting proteins and carbs together (in fact amino acids, the building blocks of protein are transported along with glucose, the building blocks of carbohydrate foods), there is a thermic effect that leads to metabolic benefit when meals contain combinations of macronutrients, and if people lose weight with this approach it's yet another "diet" that creatively leads to calorie deprivation. The diet suggests eating only fruit from the time you wake until noon, consuming protein-only meals and carb-only meals between noon and five, and then going back to fruit until bedtime. Fruits are low in calories and water dense, protein only meals are far lower in calories than a supportive combination of macronutrients, and metabolic slowdown is pretty much a guarantee if the Fit For Life diet is combined with an exercise regimen for any given period of time. Muscle loss will translate to pounds lost as measured by the scale, but the long term metabolic destruction can lead to significant challenges with fat accumulation in the future. This approach reemerges often in books release by celebrities and pseudo experts with little or no expertise in healthfully reshaping bodies.

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Red Flags and Warning Signs

Beware Diets that de-emphasize the need for exercise

Beware Diets that purport you'll lose more than 2 pounds per week

Beware Diets that suggest a specific food is
in and of itself a miraculous solution

Beware the Diets that severely restrict calories


The Abs Diet

This book was penned by David Zinczenko, the editor of Men's Health. It's good. It's sound. It shares the approach that has worked for athletes for years, the approach that dieters continue to shun although it's sensible, proven, and healthful. The Abs Diet does not present diet without exercise, and it does align very closely with the approach I've used for two decades. When people who are closely connected with the programs that fitness and physique athletes use healthfully, it's no wonder "frequent eating" and "strength training" are always underlying success elements. To give it a unique spin, Zinczenko outlines 12 Power Foods, which as you'll see when I get to the Sonoma Diet, is a new term authors use to present foods as . . . well . . . powerful. Interestingly, comparing various books with Powerfood lists brings recognition that the lists have few similarities. The Abs Diet presents the following foods as winners: Almonds and Other Nuts (with skins intact), Beans and Legumes, Spinach and Green Vegetables (note that so far taking the first letters of each group spells out ABS), Dairy: Fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, Instant Oatmeal: unsweetened, Eggs, Turkey and lean meats (now we've spelled out DIET), Peanut Butter - sugar-free, Olive Oil, Whole-Grain Breads and Cereals, Extra-Protein (Whey) Powder, Raspberries and Other Berries (completes the acronym ABS DIET POWER). The list is cute, the books teachings are valid.

The Slim-Fast Diet Plan

Nobody can question Slim-Fast's marketing ability. The Slim-Fast section in any supermarket is enough to indicate they're selling lots and lots of product. The premise is simple. Replace high calorie meals with lower calorie shakes. This is yet another methodology for entering a state of calorie deprivation. Slim-Fast utilized the marketing tagline "Weight Loss Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity." That's powerful. "Therapy" sounds medical. "Prevention" suggests that even if you're not obese it will help you avoid ever becoming so. A look at the ingredients is enough to realize that marketing more than effectiveness has been the key to Slim-Fast's growth. Compare the label to the label on a bottle of Yoo-Hoo. You'll be surprised by the similarities. The Slim-Fast Diet Plan is of course a vehicle for selling meal replacement shakes and bars. Veggies, shakes, fruit, Slim-Fast snack bars, and gelatin are the mainstays of this calorie restrictive diet. More

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The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution

Here is testimony to the fact that celebrity can make virtually anybody successful as a weight loss expert. Oprah, who has probably had the most public yo-yo experience we've ever witnessed, turned Dr. Phil McGraw into a celebrity. He hadn't any proven expertise in helping people find physical health or weight loss, but he had proven that people would follow his advice. His book was released with a great deal of hype and I remember watching the highly promoted TV show launching The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution. I attempted to watch through the eyes of someone who had struggled with weight loss. I heard Dr. Phil tell a teenage girl who wanted to lose weight so she can fit into the cool clothes her friends wear that she should "pick a Get Real weight." I then heard him tell her mother to learn to appreciate her other traits such as her sense of humor and her intelligence. Where's the weight loss solution? The book is a rehashing of everything we've heard from the American Dietetic Association for years. From a nutritional standpoint, nothing new, nothing revolutionary. McGraw talks about behavior change and rewiring the thought highways in your brain and goes on to address body image, but the book isn't titled, "being comfortable in the body you're in." It's titled "The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution." It may have its place in the self-help section of a bookstore, and Dr. Phil clearly has expertise in helping people better themselves, but let's not open the door for anyone with expertise in any field to become a weight loss expert. As a final note regarding this book, the author ventures into a place where ethics may be questionable. The book directs people to buy supplements and the supplements recommended are nothing more than multivitamins, herbs, and soy extracts which haven't any actual evidence as weight loss aids. Shortly after the book was released, Dr. Phi's line of supplements hit the shelves.

The Sonoma Diet

As far as diet books go, I can offer a good amount of praise for this one. Dr. Connie Gutterson is an R.D. so she clearly has expertise in the nutritional arena. The book uses California wine country as a substitute for South Beach (there are many similarities between the South Beach and Sonoma Diets) and presents the dietary approach in three waves. To begin applying Gutterson's approach, you must rid your world of refined and processed foods, and that's a very good thing. She suggests natural food choices. She suggests nutrient complete meals. There are lots of menu options and you aren't directed to rely on shakes or bars. You eat. You just eat better. She designs meals that contain proteins, grains, and veggies (very much in line with my supportive eating guidelines of lean protein, starchy carb, fibrous carb) and she builds her recommendations around 10 "power foods," almonds, bell peppers, broccoli, grapes, strawberries, whole grain, olive oil, blueberries, spinach and tomatoes (you'll note it's a different list than the Abs Diet, but clearly some links). Gutterson clearly promotes the distinction between essential fats and the less supportive fats. I do have some areas where I'd open a door for debate, such as the allowances for wine but the forbidding of white potatoes, but for the most part I find the book sensible and valuable. It doesn't make a case for the "synergy" that is necessary for metabolism boosting and optimal fat loss, but it doesn't hold itself up as a fitness book as much as a healthy eating book, and I believe it delivers precisely what it promises.

The Zone

I've found the Zone to be extremely valuable in helping people recognize that "eating right" isn't about avoidance as much as it is about getting the right nutrients into your body in some semblance of balance with the right frequency. It does make a strong and valid case for the negative impact simple sugars have upon insulin production, pancreatic function, and the importance of balancing protein and quality carbs at each meal. Those are all virtues. Where it becomes challenging is in its reliance upon the concept of "Glycemic Index." Glycemic Index (GI) is a reading, a number, assigned to a specific food based upon the level of impact that food has on blood sugar when it's consumed by itself. Because you can't look at a food and know its GI, followers of the Zone become reliant upon charts. It should also be noted that consuming carbs and proteins together renders the GI measurement invalid since the proteins slow the release of sugars. Ice cream has a lower glycemic index than a potato because the proteins and fats slow the rush of glucose into the bloodstream. Zone meals are constructed proportionately in "blocks." For those who are comfortable weighing, measuring, and referring to charts, the Zone is valuable. I do believe some of the extrapolations of the Zone commandments and some of the support information to be myopically presented, and some of the "science" less relevant than the author would like readers to believe they are, but there's no doubt exercisers will find body composition shifts shifting from "typical American eating" to a Zone style diet plan.
This book, by nutritional expert and physician Dr. Leo Galland, is current in sharing legitimate science and it clearly explains the role of the hormonal messenger leptin in weight control. Unlike other books which focus on restriction and weight loss, Galland addresses cravings, satiety, and metabolism which are issues the weight-loss wanting public must understand if we're going to see a positive shift in obesity issues. This isn't the first book to address controlling and managing leptin production. Mastering Leptin by Byron Richards also does a nice job of presenting leptin's role to a mainstream audience. There are some very nice things about the way the "diet approach" is presented. It isn't restrictive, it doesn't throw carbs out the window, it is sensible in its approach and it not only expresses the need to incorporate exercise, it also addresses stress reduction. The dual themes are health and weight management thus there is important inclusion of Omega-3's, micronutrients, and "superfoods" (another spin on powerfoods) that help to battle disease. I am not 100% comfortable with the three phases of the diet and the "number of pounds" readers can expect to lose, but I think it more than makes up for it with its very clear and understandable explanations of hormonal biochemistry, explanations that can help many people frustrated with prior weight loss attempts understand some of their unrecognized challenges.

The Flavor Point Diet

A new book written by David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP. Lots of letters after his name and his credentials aren't those purchased through correspondence schools. Katz is associate professor of public health, director of the Yale Prevention Research Center, and associate director of nutrition science at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. Credible? No question. His book takes an element of nutrition that may be underemphasized, namely sensory stimulation. He shares compelling explanation of the hypothalamus' role in organizing a chain or neurochemical events that regulate appetite, cravings, and satiety, and I can't find a single flaw in his explanations. The book then offers a nice mix of recipes with the focus being, rather than combining a surplus of sweet salty and savory flavors that overstimulate appetite, limiting stimulation to flavors that lead to regulating appetite and managing chemical-driven impulse. So do I think this is the diet book that will solve America's fat challenge? No. I think it makes for good reading. I think it's a novel and well-founded approach. I also think the outcome of following the resultant regimen will be short-lived attempts with what promises to be a new "fad" diet. Eat according to the diet plan and you'll eat "better" than most Americans, and eating better can certainly lead to improvement . . . it's just that there's more to long term body composition shifts. The Flavor Point Diet does approach things scientifically, but I don't see it being "real-world" enough, nor do I see it addressing the importance of the combination of physical activity with a sensible eating plan for long term results.


My Motives

Let me make a few points here before anyone rips a hole in me for sharing my opinions on what might be their favorite diet. My intention is not to bash anything or anybody. My intention is not to cover "every diet" in a single article, as a search on just came up with 7,969 available book titles featuring the word "diet." I've been in the business of helping people find health and fitness for over two decades and have a highly respectable success rate. My educational expertise is documented on the exercise side of things, but as a consumer advocate I've interviewed hundreds of biochemists, nutrition experts, M.D.'s, anti-aging specialists, authors, athletes, coaches, and psychologists, and with all of that input and a careful and ongoing study of research I've managed to form some relatively educated opinions. With that said I consider myself a lifetime learner and I invite feedback whether it leans toward praise or criticism. As more people share their experiences, I continue to expand my understanding of the topics most controversial and those that are followed by the greatest volume of controversy. If anything I've said in this piece upsets you, rather than sending me a venomous email, explain where I might be in error and provide me a resource to obtain additional information. I've found, based on both life experience and extensive research, there is no greater fitness and fat loss solution than the combination of supportive nutrition incorporating frequent thermic meals, moderate aerobic exercise, and a commitment to strength training. This is not an approach specific to athletes. I've had over 40,000 people from all ages categories and all fitness levels go through my TRANSFORM! program and have had an astounding success rate in helping people from every walk of life with my 21 Day Journey to Excellence. All of my programs are designed, not as quick fixes, but for lasting results. All of my programs are offered with an unconditional money back guarantee, and I'll continue to strive to uncover and share the fitness truth until . . . . well . . . until space aliens imprison me or obesity becomes a thing of the past.

- Phil Kaplan


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