Supplement News

Muscle Marketing USA - several steps short of honesty

Creatine Monohydrate "works," and when it was first released it was released as a powder. Since then, as the demand increased, product manufacturers began trying to come out with "better" creatine products, or at least products that can be advertised as "better." One of the primary reasons creatine works best in powdered form is because when it's in a water based solution it breaks down into creatinine, a waste product. The idea is to mix it up shortly before you drink it and then the creatine monohydrate gets absorbed and transported after an enzymatic conversion into the muscle cell in the form of creatine phosphate. The most consistent research on creatine was done with creatine monohydrate powder.

Muscle Marketing USA came out with what they touted as a revolutionary new creatine product. Creatine Serum. Reading the ingredients reveals firstly that there's some sugar in there. They suggest you take it before a workout so I suspect when people "feel it working," they're simply playing off of a blood sugar spike. Because it is a liquid, and we already know creatine is unstable in water, it's also suspect in that regard. Without bad-mouthing the product, for years I've encouraged creatine users to stick to the powder. After all . . . it works!

Well here's an update. Muscle Marketing USA was brought before the Auckland District Court on charges of breaching the Fair Trading Act. The company was fined $70,000 for making fraudulent claims. The judge and the Fair Trading director agreed that the product was sold using deceptive information and in reviewing lab tests identified that 5 ml of the product contained only 11.5 mg of creatine. The literature used to sell the product represented that the same 5 ml yielded the equivalent of 2500 mg. Quite a stretch. Another example of a company that made a lot of money selling a product to people who were willing to blindly believe. The lesson? LISTEN TO PHIL KAPLAN!

This brings me to another product.

Add inches?

I remember several weeks ago on my show I took a call on one of the breaks and the caller asked about Enzyte. I said I'd look it up on the internet, find out what the ingredients are, and then I'd take the call on the air. I entered "Enzyte" into a Yahoo Search and a list of pages on "Male Enhancement" popped up (no pun intended). The caller hung up before the break was over so I went on covering a variety of topics and then I had to break again for the news. The substitute newscaster was a woman. She came in, sat in the chair that I had just occupied, and reported the world's events, and then I returned to the studio, and right there on the computer screen . . . MALE ENHANCEMENT!!! I'm thinking she must have seen the screen and thought, "Phil has big muscles but he must be lacking in other areas." I had to clear the air so I brought her back into the studio to explain. I did ultimately find out about Enzyte. If you've seen their "Smiling Bob" campaign you know they have powerful marketing.

Enzyte is a combination of ingredients, but the two that are most pertinent are L-Arginine and Yohimbe. L-Arginine increases blood flow and is actually part of the pathway by which Viagra works. Yohimbe, prior to Viagra, was the first product listed in the physicians desk reference as an aid for impotence. It selectively increases blood flow to the lower extremities. The two ingredients can lead to greater arousal . . . but enlargement????? Not likely.

On March 17, 2004, in the Montgomery County Court in Dayton, Ohio, a lawsuit was filed against the manufacturers of Enzyte. It's the beginning of a class-action suit initiated by a man who used the product as directed and didn't see any increase in genital size. While there will always be gullible people, Enzyte's manufacturer, Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, has amassed over $100 million dollars from selling products with fraudulent claims. That's a lot of gullible people! We can't blame consumers. The claims were so over the top, it was only a matter of time until a lawsuit emerged. "1-3 inches or double your money back!" "98.3% success rate." The claims were unfounded and now we'll see how the lawsuit evolves. The lesson? Don't believe claims that appear ridiculous. Advertisers have learned to capitalize on insecurity and many products sell only because they are advertised as a "cure."

If you haven't read them yet, you can also find my reviews on Cortislim and Trim Spa.

What Makes My Products Different?

They're honest. They actually contain what the labels claim. No insane promises. They won't make fat melt while you sit on the couch and watch TV and they aren't likely to increase the size of anyone's genetalia. They are however extremely valuable for anyone attempting to eat supportively in the real world with the goal of finding muscularity and/or leanness.

They're result-oriented. They're based in supportive nutrition and focus on the vital macronutrients for energy and tissue growth.

The good stuff . . . . it's in there. I do the research. I keep my eye on developments. If something contributes to muscle growth, you'll find it in my GROW! formula, if it contributes to recovery, you'll find it in RELOAD!

They're proven. . . by myself, my clients, and my thousands of regular repeat customers.

They're high quality. Because I don't have to sell through a network of distributors, wholesalers, and retailers, I can afford to use the best proteins, the highest grades of maltodextrin, the best vitamin-mineral blends, and those micronutrients that contribute to the nutritional value of the formulas.

They have extreme real world value. Trying to consume a supportive meal 6 times in the course of a day is a challenge for anyone who has a job, a family, or a life for that matter. My products were developed to help you fill in those gaps for those times a supportive meal is not accessible or convenient.

They're guaranteed. Backed by the same unconditional money back guarantee as all of my programs and products.

You can order EAT!, BURN!, GROW!, and/or RELOAD! in a special 4-pack for the price of 3. Read about any of the products by clicking on the links below, or click here to choose whatever combination you'd like in your 4-pack.

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Phil Kaplan

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