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November 2001 - The New Breed of Trainer and The Kingdom of Rapport - learn how you can get potential clients eating out of your hand as you influence and persuade ethically

December 2001 - Opportunity Time, Catch Them When They Fall - A heavy dose of psychology and a very powerful marketing strategy to help those who are on the brink of abandonment to become thrilled clients

January 2002 - Orgasms, Hypnosis, and Radio - Learn how to subconsciously impact clients and prospects and to use the media as a massively powerful marketing vehicle.

February 2002 - Write, Speak, Appear, and Be an Expert - how to position yourself as a respected fitness professional using the rarely used print and speaking opportunities in the media and in your own backyard

March 2002 - Boosting Professional Image: Power Networking - learn to create an army of allies all promoting your business, your value, and your services

April 2002 - Be A Leader, Persuade and Sell - Develop the power to influence at yet a new level, one that allows a Personal Trainer to compete in any marketplace and prosper

May 2002 - The Stages of Business Growth and Where Do We Go From Excellence - learn how any business can rise to the top and how you can move beyond the level of recognized excellence for limitless personal, financial, and emotional reward

June 2002 - How Do I Get Rid of This - a much acclaimed issue teaching trainers to break through the limiting belief "I can't" and to help their clients do the same for consistent results

July 2002 - Customers and Clients, Everyone of Them is a Salesperson - learn how servicing your members and clients can be the most valuable marketing you ever do

August 2002 - Opening Your Own Facility or Optimizing the Value of an Existing Facility - today opening your own Personal Training studio doesn't have to be expensive, and there are some secrets that can make virtually any destination personal training business highly profitable (Sneak a Peek at the Intro)

September 2002 - The New Challenges, The Absence of Response-Ability - Gain a new perspective on the state of the fitness and health club industries and learn how the ground army of Personal Trainers can facilitate a global change

October 2002 - What's in the Package? Re-evaluating the Holiday Season - learn methods of making the slowest times of year work in your favor by creatively "packaging" your offerings without ever compromising your value

November 2002 - A Summation of Fitness Business Excellence - exploring fitness business growth from chaos to exceptional organization and beyond

December 2002 - The ODM Muscle and Those Pesky Obstacles - learn how great trainers see obstacles as steps along the way to success (Sneak a Peek at the Intro)

January 2003 - How Can We Make 2003 Our Best Year Yet - learn how to plan for a year of dramatic growth - applicable at any time!

February 2003 - The Twisted Thinking of Trainers - discover the mindset that prevents trainers from reaping the highest levels of success and adjust it to propel you to the top (Sneak a Peek at the Intro)

March 2003 - Gauging Progress / Setting Up Guideposts - setting goals and making every one a step along the way to Personal Training Greatness

April 2003 - Staying Ahead of the Enemy, The Battle Rages - learn the similarities between commanding an army and driving your fitness business beyond any limitations

May 2003 - There is No Shame in Making Money - for some reason, the field of Personal Trainers has some mental and emotional roadblocks that need to be shattered before they are confident and able to command fees in line with legal and medical professionals. With this issue you'll smash through any and all of those roadblocks

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site designed and operated by
Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness Associates
3132 Fortune Way, #D1
Wellington, Florida 33414
(561) 204-2014
Fax (561) 204-2184