PHIL KAPLAN'S Breakthroughs Seminar

Breakthroughs! Phil Kaplan's most powerful seminar ever!

"There are two things I love about these events. The first is the absolute knowledge that people in the audience are about to change their lives. The second thing I love is the incredible interaction . . . meeting "the people" face to face, body to body.

Sure, I deliver information in books, in programs, on TV, and on radio, but nothing compares to the feeling I get when someone offers a hug, a handshake, or a sincere "thank you," and at the Breakthroughs events, there's almost a rallying cry of gratitude."

The Next South Florida Seminar Will Take Place May 3, 2007
at the Sheraton Yankee Clipper on Fort Lauderdale Beach

Tickets on Sale Now for the absurd price of $19.00 each!

YES! $19.00!

It's a one-time-only offer to the first 100 people to take advantage of it!

Phil mentioned it on his radio show this week, so take advantage of this no-excuses opportunity!

The Breakthroughs Seminar
Three Hours That Will Change Your Life

Whether you've tried and failed or you haven't yet summoned up the courage and willpower to try, let me assure you, you CAN change your body virtually any way you want to.

The reason so many people fail is because they attempt to change by dieting, over-exercising, committing to an aerobic program, or by utilizing drugs or supplements purported to burn fat. These are perfect examples of what I call ineffective technologies, and if you try to make ice cubes by boiling water, or try to run East until you see the sunset, you're going to fail. The approach is wrong.

What Will You Learn at a Breakthroughs Event?

  • The Real Story Behind the Latest Fitness and Weight Loss Offerings
  • How Anyone Can Begin a Process of Ongoing and Consistent Fat Loss
  • How You Can Amplify Fat Loss with a Commitment of Only 19 Minutes a Day
  • How to Avoid the Mistakes Most People Make in Trying to Reshape Their Bodies
  • How You Can Virtually Re-Design Your Body From the Inside Out
  • Why the "carb thing" is so confusing and the simple truth about carbohydrates
  • What "Really" Happens to Your Body When You Go on The Most Popular Diets
  • Why Fitness Failure is so Prevalent, and How You can Achieve Results Immediately
  • The Realities Behind the Drugs, the Infomercials, the newest Gurus, and the Health Clubs
  • How You Can Stop Being a Victim and Take Control of Your Metabolism
  • How Simple a Result-Oriented Program can be!

    Do you long for that elusive attribute that comes only from your morning coffee? Imagine, just imagine, what life would be like if you had abundant energy. The energy not only to easily handle the tasks you've become accustomed to, but also to allow you to do all those things you WANT to do! If you're lacking in energy, you simply need the information shared at Breakthroughs!

    Have you put miles on the treadmill or worn out your running shoes and are you close to deciding that for some weird reason "exercise doesn't work for you?" It's time for a complete and total mindset adjustment. You'll be shocked, amazed, and most of all empowered by the simplicity of a program that works . . . for other people . . . and yes, for you! Forget excessive aerobic exercise. Forget the 5 mile walks.

    You'll learn how you can burn fat anytime you enter an aerobic physiological state . . . . and you'll be amazed to learn that you can burn fat while you drive, talk on the telephone, and even while you sleep! No, this isn't the same type of hype you hear on infomercials . . . remember . . . this is proven, documented, real-world fitness truth!


Is This Only For People Who Want To Lose Weight?

This one-of-a-kind seminar is for everyone, and if your goal is to tone up, increase muscle mass, or improve endurance for any level of athletic event, you'll come to understand the powerful science that leads to fail-proof results!

If the tasks that used to be simple are becoming challenges you must attend Breakthroughs!

If you're a high school athlete and you want to set a few records for performance in 2007, you must attend Breakthroughs.

Housewife? Doctor? Police Officer? Is it for you?

Yes, yes, yes!

Breakthroughs is for everyone seeking positive physical change. You'll find professional athletes sitting next to seniors, you'll find competitive bodybuilders sitting next to those considering weight loss surgery, and at the next explosive Breakthroughs event, you'll find 999 other people on a 3-hour journey toward becoming elated, energized, and completely empowered.

The Breakthroughs seminar is unlike anything you've ever experienced.

It rolls forward with an indescribable energy as people from every walk of life sit right on the edge of the most powerful transformation they've ever experienced.

Waiting to reserve your seat may be the biggest blunder you make if you're hoping this year will land you in a lean, toned, fit, healthy body.

What is the magic?

This seminar delivers something better than magic. Magic is an illusion. Breakthroughs is real. I've learned to call the information I share "The Fitness Truth." It shatters illusions and most of all, delivers results. Astounding results!

You'll learn to release the power you hold within you, the power to take complete and total control of the way your body looks and feels, not for a week, not for a month, but for the rest of your life! There aren't any commercial breaks, there aren't any sponsors attempting to control the content, and there aren't any product marketers with hidden agendas. This is pure and simple truth and here is the guarantee:

At the next Breakthroughs Seminar, the power to take control of your body, your metabolism, and your life is going to be unleashed with more intensity, more passion, and more pure excitement than ever in history or Phil Kaplan's Fitness will gladly issue a refund.


The Date: May 3, 2007

The Time: 7:00 PM

The Place: Sheraton Yankee Trader, Fort lauderdale, FL

The Tickets: Tickets will be $89!

Special Offer - $19.00




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This site is designed and operated by Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness is located at
3132 Fortune Way, #D1
Wellington, Florida 33414
The TOLL-FREE Product Order Line is 1 800 552-1998
The Direct Office Number is 561 204-2014
The Fax Number is 561 204-2184