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The "Be Better" Offering

An Opportunity for Ambitious Fitness Professionals

Written by Phil Kaplan, June 19th, 2006 / Revised for "BB2" 2007

I originally wrote the bulk of the following text on June 19th, 2006, on American Airlines Flight 433, flying to La Jolla to spend a few days with some folks far smarter than I. We meet in a group several times per year to help each other grow.

The Be Better Project kicked off in August and the group has taken on an incredible life of its own. The interaction is invaluable, everyone in the group is finding ongoing betterment, and as 2006 drew to a close, I decided I'm going to assemble another group of like-minded trainers all seeking betterment. If you knew about the project, considered it, but waited too long and got closed out, now's your chance.

If this is the first you're hearing of it . . . great news. I'm releasing this for 2007 with 20 open spots! The Be Better Project is underway, and now 20 additional trainers from all parts of the world will connect through BB2 (Be Better #2).

Here's the premise:

I’ve decided to assemble a group of 20 personal trainers with the intention of helping them go way beyond mastery of their personal training crafts, out into a new realm of growth, achievement, possibility, and potential.

This is a very sincere invitation for some rare personal trainers with the desire to change the world around them to join forces, to invest in a relationship that will be unmatched in its ability to take our industry forward by creating a new breed of professionals with unbridled power to prosper by helping others.

There’s a part of your brain that seeks comfort. It works with your emotional experiential memory to protect you. It steers you away from danger, from risk, from impending pain. It’s the part of your brain that causes you to react when a wasp flies across your field of vision. It’s the part of your brain that allows you to jump before you have time to think if a 45 pound dumbbell is powered by gravity heading toward your foot.

If you were a cave dweller living in a place and time where a baby T-Rex might opt to nibble your head off for breakfast, this part of your brain would be something you’d be extremely thankful for.

Here’s the challenge. You’re a fitness professional, not a cave dweller. You want to make a difference. You want to help people improve their lives. You want to see what you’re really capable of. You want things to be “better” than they are right now.

Unfortunately, the reptilian brain, the home of your survival-driven neural mechanism, doesn’t understand “better.” It understands “safe.”

For cave dwellers “safe” was survival.

For fitness professionals “safe” is death.

Not death as in the end of life, but rather career death, a point in time where a personal trainer decides it’s time to do “something else.” It happens often.

It happens to some of the best trainers. It happens for some in a very short time span, for others it takes years of struggle for the official burial of the personal training career.

During the period between motivation and abandonment, most will perform at a level where they delude themselves into believing they’re exceptional performers by drawing comparisons to those trainers who find rep counting the task at hand. As a result, what is mistakenly viewed as extraordinary is typically a tiptoe along the line of mediocrity.

Following mediocrity is safe.

Following convention is safe.

Remember what I just said about "safe."

I'm opening the door for 20 trainers to break out of the safety of convention. Before I get to the invitation and the opportunity, I want you to understand the flaws in the current paradigm.

par·a·digm (par'?-dim', -dim') - A set of rules, assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them

The set of rules under which the present field of fitness professionals abide and operate compose a paradigm that is set up to encourage mediocrity, to chip away at passion, and to prevent ongoing betterment

(Translation: the present system sucks).

Fitness professionals seeking “safety” wind up operating under the predominating paradigm.

They discount their fees. That’s safe. It takes away the risk of having to actually believe that they have extreme value.

They conduct free sessions, free consultations, or free assessments. That’s safe. Nobody openly rejects a freebie.

They justify those things they may even perceive as impotent by convincing themselves that “the club owner says we have to” means they do in fact “have to.”

Should I go on? Could there be more?

Yes, and yes.

They minimize their nutritional advice, as they’ve heard that dispensing nutritional wisdom opens up some liability issues, or worse yet they espouse random nutritional gems that contradict the prescriptions of their peers, leaving clients frustrated and confused.

They point fingers of blame at clients who fail to see results, indicting a lack of willpower or commitment for the perceived failure.

They work within the safety of a health club environment, taking clients through workouts, reminding themselves that they’re doing what they love and remaining careful not to rattle any cages.

A Broken Paradigm Creates a Psychological Phenomenon

What I find an amazing phenomenon is the willingness of so many certified hard-working personal trainers to allow denial to clog the forefront of their thinking, failing to hold up the mirror and question whether they are among the many caught up in wanting for more, but unwilling to leave the protective cave.

As you read this be honest with yourself.

“Safe” is not a criticism, but a state of being, and if comfort is the value you most treasure, appreciate that you can be content with modest achievement and welcome both the challenges and rewards that come with safety.

If you are someone who wants to break away from the chains of comfort, to see what you’re really capable of, let your mind wander and read the remainder of this article introspectively determining if you are in fact one of the few I’m looking to connect.

“Safe” fitness professionals might earn $30,000 - $50,000 per year. That may be OK if you’re 24 and someone else is paying the bills, but try to raise a family, buy ample health insurance, commit to a mortgage, enjoy some nice evenings out, and have a reserve in case there’s a sudden financial need and that $30,000 - $50,000 evaporates in a puff of smoke.

In this first decade of the 21st century, what was long perceived as “safe” may actually be a slow trot to uncertainty.

Our world is different than it was even five years ago. “Safety” in career pursuits used to walk hand-in-hand with a sense of entitlement. Someone who’d shown loyalty to a company for years was entitled to seniority, incremental pay increases, or a pension. The part of the brain that believes “safety” is in fact safe for the long term wasn’t designed for the 21st century.

I warn trainers blinded by the ability to “work” doing what they “love” to recognize that “work” should become a means to a better life. If it isn’t, that old reptilian brain can leave you wanting for more.

I’m not suggesting you give up the pure passion and desire you have to help people . . . quite the opposite. I’m suggesting that your passion and desire can feed off of each other at new heights once you begin to tap your own potential.

I’m also suggesting that if you fail to step outside the bounds of personal training convention, if you follow those who have toed the line before you, and if you have the mindset of a personal training missionary, your personal training career is doomed.


The perception of the Personal Training “Career” must be reframed if we are going to collectively grow and prosper. From this moment forward, let’s not allow anything or anyone to suggest that “making money” takes anything away from passion. Based on some of what I expressed moments ago, if you honestly love your work, you never feel as if you’re working, and if that “work” can bring limitless benefit to others, and if you only prosper by delivering extreme value, the more you earn, the more validation there is for your passion in motion.

I’ve seen well intentioned fitness professionals go to work for their fathers in law, get their real estate licenses, or even put on a tie every day and go out in the world trying to sell stuff they wouldn’t buy themselves. While they blame everything from accidents of fate to the state of our industry, the rotting of the personal training ambition always comes from the same place. That career paralysis induced by the evil part of your brain that deludes you into thinking there’s comfort in safety.

The willingness to succumb to the reptilian brain leads to the crippling belief, “you can’t really make money as a personal trainer.”

That belief can become a self-fulfilling prophesy, or it can be relegated to the pile of “stupid old beliefs you don’t have any reason to hold on to any longer.”

If you want to move as far away from that crippling belief as possible, you need to become acquainted with a different part of your brain.

The Pre-Frontal Cortex is sort of an eye into possibility. It’s the part of your brain that can literally create a future from pure nothingness. It’s the part of the brain that drove explorers to venture to what might have been the ends of the earth to discover new lands. It’s the part of the brain that allowed NFL die-hards like Jerry Rice and Terry Allen to come back from destructive ACL injuries when the overriding prognosis was “retire.” Anyone who’s been called “crazy” for pursuing a dream or idea that seemed to challenge an existing paradigm relied heavily on the enhanced activity of the Pre-Frontal Cortex (PFC).

If you’re living a safe existence, your PFC is lying dormant. It’s analogous to an unstimulated muscle. Atrophy is a given. The more you get caught up in being safe, the less likely you are to ever leap forward and conquer your wildest dreams.

The PFC is the vehicle that I’m about to tap into in select fitness professionals. It’s the driving force that can take the absurd idea of making dreams come true and make it real. It’s the active initiator of the two-word campaign I’m attaching my entire career to for the remainder of 2006 and right into 2007.

Be Better.

If you have a desire to Be Better, a real desire that goes way beyond what others might view as a lofty wish, I'm glad you read this far. Read on, as I’m going to invite you to join an inspired handful of fitness professionals about to soar to new heights, about to ride the incoming wave of unprecedented success in our field, about to rattle cages, shatter the current paradigm, and redefine what we do for a living.

WARNING: If you’re presently comfortable, read no further.

Cave dwellers, stop here. Find an article on better training techniques or 6001 things to do with a medicine ball. Those articles will allow you to develop your intellectual knowledge without asking you to move beyond “comfort.”

If you’ve continued reading you’re likely someone who has the ability to stir up the PFC, someone who knows that a place called “better” really does exist, someone who may in fact be willing to do whatever it takes to get there. Recognizing that at this point in the article we’ve already narrowed the field, I’ll share the preliminary details of the “Be Better Project.”

Beginning right now, with a commitment to activate this second manifestation of the original project, I’m going to throw a figurative rope around a select group of inspired fitness professionals who seek to rise way beyond what they presently believe to be excellence. I’m looking for fitness professionals who will never sit on their laurels, who will always realize that as high as they rise, they can always rise further, who understand that as many people as they help, they can always help more, and as dramatically as they change people’s lives they can take the idea of “life-changing” to an entirely new universe.

Be Better. That’s what I want the trainers who work for me to be.

Be Better. That’s what I want all of my personal training clients and seminar attendees to be.

Be Better. That’s what I want for my family, for my loved ones, and for my colleagues.

Be Better. Those words shall be instilled into the PFC’s of those who are bold, courageous, and adventurous enough to set an entirely new standard.

If we all strive to be better, there are virtually no limits that can be placed on how we can improve human existence.

At this point those who have continued reading with interest and a hint of excitement are beginning to activate the PFC at a very preliminary level, rising above the idea of safety, realizing that only those with the courage to break the rules will bring about true change. If we had electrodes monitoring brain activity we’d see that the Pre-Frontal cortex is starting a slow sizzle. If you want to go the next step, you’ll be thrilled to register as one of 20 trainers who are going to collectively reach new levels of achievement.

You’ll register as a participant in my Be Better Project.

You’ll become part of a group of fitness professionals I’ll personally coach through live teleconferences to help them grow by bettering the lives of others at a previously untapped level.

Here’s a simple summation:

20 trainers will accept this invitation, those 20 trainers will come to know each other through a series of 16 teleconferences that I will personally host and conduct, and all 20 will grow. As a result, the bar will be raised, a clear replicable model of what a personal trainer can be will emerge, and collectively we’ll rescue an over-fat nation desperately in need of a life preserver.

Greatness is not only fleeting, it’s an illusion. The “Greatest” boxer will only be the Greatest as long as he continues to get better, as others will be closing in at any point in time. The Greatest golfer will only be the Greatest as long as he realizes every championship further raises the bar. The Greatest personal trainers will be those who never stop at Great, but constantly seek Better.

In looking to summarize the trait the top trainers possess, I’ve coined a new word, one my trainers have already embraced and internalized.


I am going to spread Contagiasm, the “Be Better Mindset,” and the strategies for ongoing betterment with others who want to master the science of improvement.

I’m inviting you to share in spreading Contagiasm, not within my four walls, but in your own universe, taking the elements of growth and betterment that I’ve learned to employ and using them as tools to shape your own future.

Think carefully now. If that “move forward” part of your brain is sending signals saying “go,” you may have the stuff I’m looking for, but there is nothing safe about this.

Cave dwellers dare not venture into this area, unless they’re prepared for an unparalleled adventure.

You’ll be asked to go so far out of your comfort zone you might not even recognize your life 6 months from now, at least not when you compare it to where you might have been if you convinced yourself you were good, great, or at some false pinnacle of achievement. You’ll stretch as you’ve never stretched. You’ll grow as you’ve never grown.

If you think I’m blowing smoke, you don’t know me very well. I enjoy putting myself on the line. I don’t hide from anyone. I never go anywhere near the cave of safety. I’ll never ask you to do anything I’m not willing to do myself. I won’t throw around the random and novel ideas that speckle the preachings of those who promise “personal training riches.” I will instead immerse you in proven methodologies and prompt you to appreciate their power.


If you want to learn to prosper without limit by continually bettering the lives of others, The Be Better Project is the real deal.

I’m going to take 20 fitness professionals, and get each and every one of them to redefine their perceptions of excellence . . . and then I’m going to commit to help each and every one of them exceed the new perceptions.

Here’s the downside of the type of growth I’m talking about.

You’ll never arrive.

You’ll propel yourself forward, and there will always be a forward glimpse of a new horizon.

Excellence is a moving target, and being “better” than today is only “better” until you set a new goal. If that scares you, this isn’t for you. If it excites you get ready to act.

If you want to be one of the elite 20, if you want to be a participant in The Be Better Project, you’ll invest $325 per month for 8 months. Keep in mind, I share strategies that generate $1200 per hour, strategies that allow trainers to give themselves $30,000 raises in moments, and strategies that allow fitness professionals to grow exponentially. If this sounds expensive you either need to raise your own bar or stay in the safe cave. This will be an investment in the truest sense of the word.

Each month, for the next 8 months, we’ll have two phone calls, the first will be instructional (60 minutes), the second will be interactive (90 minutes). If you participate in the project you MUST participate in the calls. If you believe that you can’t make that commitment, this isn’t for you. The group will thrive on interactivity so if you fail to attend even a single call, you’re doing yourself and the group a disservice. Much as I have my advisors, many of whom are peers, you’ll have 20 coaches all operating under an entirely new paradigm.

Is your schedule too consuming for you to make that kind of commitment? If so, re-think things. How will you ever get off of the treadmill if you can’t even commit to 2 ½ hours of telephone interactivity each month?

If you opt to join us, I’ll serve as your coach in the true sense of the word, and while we’ll all have our unique goals and aspirations, collectively we’ll bring about an unprecedented change in the industry.

Don’t even consider this unless you’re committed, unless you’re willing to follow through at all costs. The only way you’ll fail to grow is if you fail to act. Remember a part of the strength of this is the alliance of others with like-minds and attitudes. Not only will you have me as your coach, but you’ll have the ability to interact with everyone in the group.

The Be Better Group, in additional to the planned teleconference calls and any additional telephone contact they opt for within the group, communicates through a closed interactive message board with a group email system so everyone can be kept abreast of everyone else’s actions. I’m committed as much as a participant as I am as a leader.

This offering has never been made before June of 2006. It isn’t a motivational seminar, it isn’t an idea to consider, it’s a commitment 21 people are about to make (20 plus myself) that will cause a groundswell throughout the fitness field, the world of personal fitness training, and the health club industry.

I absolutely guarantee this type of project has NEVER BEEN OFFERED by anyone else, despite the creative copy constructed by some self-proclaimed "gurus." This is genuine, it's based on 20+ years of in the trenches experience, and it's already proven. If you'd like to personally contact some of the people already enrolled in BB#1 (the existing Be Better Project group), send me an email with the SUBJECT "BB Participants." I'll put you directly in touch with some folks already in the group. They haven't any agenda other than to share their own experiences.

If you’re ready, just click here and commit a non-refundable $100 registration fee which will be credited toward your first month’s dues of $325. The next "group" will begin in March 2007. If you have a question other than a request to contact existing participants, email me directly, phil@philkaplan.com and type "BeBetterProjectQuestion" as the subject.

If you’re ready to get outside of the safety zone and into the exciting unknown limits of your own true potential, it’s in your court.

Register before the 20 slots are taken, and commit to Be Better.

- Phil Kaplan


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