Here are some random samples of testimonials
From Trainers and Fitness Pros
Who Attended the PEAK Training Weekend

This e-mail came in about four weeks after the seminar:

My name is Kate Street -- I was at your February seminar with my husband, Graeme.  As soon as we returned to Connecticut Graeme gave his notice to his employer -- a very large corporate fitness facility. During his first week of self-employment, he made $1300, his second week he made over $2000 -- nearly quadrupling his income!  In TWO weeks!!! After I complete my Master's degree in May, I plan on following in his footsteps. We are SO excited about our future -- we are doing what we love and being compensated handsomely for it!  Phil, your information is truly a gift.  Like I told you at your seminar -- just as you uncover the absolute truth for those looking to transform their bodies, you also uncover the truth for those wanting to succeed in the fitness field where there is JUST as much misinformation. You've helped us achieve the confidence to turn our passion into a professional and successful business venture. Thank you so much.

And there are plenty more where that came from:

I admire Phil and love his commitment to help others by sharing his knowledge, expertise, and his ethics.  This is exceptional information needed by everyone in the fitness field.”

 -         Annie Arguellas, Personal Fitness Trainer, Miami, Florida

“I gained the knowledge and motivation to bring my business to a new level.  I continually attend workshops to keep up my education, but the PEAK Training Weekend blended business ideas, work ethics, and sound knowledge in one great “package.” 

 -         Patty Amirault

"I thought that the seminar was really jam packed with great ideas.  I honestly could have left after the first day and easily doubled my income!" 

- Brian Yaeger, Personal Fitness Trainer, Philadelphia, PA

It’s worth every penny.  The “benefits” will far outweigh anything you give up to be there.”
 -         Kathy Adamson, California

“I wholeheartedly recommend this to any and all Personal Trainers.  The things I learned were much more than expected.  This was an awesome experience!”

 -         David Ashley


And that doesn't even skim the surface.
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