What's So Bad About Sugar?

Glucose.  Fructose.  Sucrose.  

Translation:  Sugar.  Sugar.  Sugar.

Sugar is not only going to affect your potential to release fat, it is, in a sense, chemically addictive.  If you have more fat on your body than you'd like, and you experience frequent sugar cravings, you can be sure the two conditions are at some level related.  The good news is, you can fix it.  Let's take a look at what sugar does and how it relates to body composition.

When you ingest a simple sugar, even if it's in a "fat-free" cookie, all of that sugar gets absorbed into the bloodstream at once, so for the moment you experience a blood sugar elevation.  That's OK.  You can handle it.  In response to the momentary hyperglycemic condition, your pancreas begins to increase its production of the hormone insulin.  Insulin's job is to remove excess sugar from the bloodstream and store it in the muscles and in the liver as glycogen.  There's another hormone produced by the pancreas.  It's called glucagon.  While insulin is a "storage" hormone, glucagon has an opposing action.  It is a "release" hormone.  Glucagon is, in fact, the hormone responsible for releasing bodyfat.  When the pancreas suddenly has to crank out increased amounts of insulin to deal with sugar induced blood glucose elevations, it backs off on its production of glucagon.  The result - fat release is crippled.

It gets worse.  Your pancreas actually manufactures more insulin than you need.  About 30-45 minutes after the sugar rush, you wind up with residual low blood sugar.  In order to restore blood sugar to normal, you begin to get cravings for . . . . you guessed it . . . sugar!  So, if you eat sugar . . . you're pretty much guaranteed to crave sugar.

The trick is to stop the insulin / blood sugar roller coaster.  If you at "supportively" as I recommend, the starchy carbohydrates provide an ongoing slow release of sugars preventing those sudden blood sugar spikes and keeping the insulin/glucagon balance stable.  Sugar addicts will usually experience a few days of severe cravings when they abandon their sugar intake.  The first day you might experience a headache.  The second day the headache may become worse and may be accompanied by insomnia.  Get through three days, however, and those sugar cravings are quite likely to become a thing of the past.  Blood sugar stabilizes, energy becomes consistent, and . . . fat release can take place all day long!

Suggested Next Page:

Click on [ Sugar Free ] for a detailed list of simple sugars to watch out for.

Also See:

How Much Sugar is OK?

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Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness Associates
1304 SW 160th Ave., #337
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33326
(305) 824-5044  (954) 389-0280
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