The PEAK Intensive Mini Camp

Next Scheduled Date: October 4-6, 2001

For Trainers Who Aren't Afraid to Break the Rules and Lead!

This is a no-frills power charged version of the PEAK weekend and has Phil spending two very intensive days with a small group of 15-20 high level trainers delivering all the information they need to take their careers to the top! You can be one of them if you're ready for unprecedented career growth.

There are no group exercise sessions, no cocktail parties, and no boat rides. It's just hard hitting money making methodologies delivered in Phil's inimitable style. You'll learn unconventional yet incredibly effective methods of marketing to build a client base. You'll find out how you can instantly optimize your value and command professional fees. If you're a career oriented trainer and you feel as if you've hit your income ceiling, the PEAK mini-camp will set you free!

Is It For You? Only if You're Committed to Success!

If you're afraid of hard work, this isn't for you. If you're uncomfortable challenging convention, this weekend will have you shaking in your workout shoes. On the other hand, if you are committed to succeeding at the highest levels by ethically making a massive difference in the lives of others, sign up for the next PEAK Mini-Camp. It's designed for busy fitness pros who can't afford to be away from their businesses for days at a time. The intensive session for trainers begins on a Friday and by 3:00 the next day you're ready to head for home . . . totally empowered! Two intense days are all you need! Your brain will swell with new ideas and the application of only a handful of the secrets Phil shares will instantly elevate you to "elite" status.

Phil's commitment is to give 100%, and then some, to make certain that every Fitness Professional in attendance leaves with complete clarity as to how they can skyrocket their income. In these small groups Phil gets to know every attender by name and manages to address their most pressing needs on both a group and individual level. It is not uncommon for PEAK event attenders to double, triple, or even quadruple their income within weeks of attending

A Special Opportunity:

On Thursday, October 4, PEAK Mini-Camp attenders are invited to participate in Phil's "Physical Excellence" seminar in which 75 people will learn to trade in their bodies for new ones. Participating trainers will have the opportunity to work with select groups in order to maximize the hands on value of the PEAK experience! It begins at 7 PM.

The October PEAK Mini-Camp is sponsored by:

Sponsors are always pre-screened and deemed "valuable to trainers" by Phil Kaplan. Be sure to visit the Trainer's Edge website at

Mitchell Weintraub, founder of the Trainer's Edge will be conducting a 30-minute presentation at the October 2001 PEAK mini-camp.

Visit the seminar calendar for available dates and registration prices or confirm your attendance now by calling 1 800 552-1998 or visiting the Online Superstore.

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site designed and operated by
Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness Associates
1304 SW 160th Ave., #337
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33326
(305) 824-5044  (954) 389-0280
Fax (954) 742-3173