Personal Fitness Training

Fitness Expert Phil Kaplan offers tips on finding or becoming a fitness professional.

The Personal Fitness Training Field is unregulated. While the General Public has learned to seek out a "Certified" Trainer, I've personally located over 300 certification agencies, some good, some not so good, and some bordering on criminal in their business practices.  The fact is, with laws as they stand today, there isn't any required licensure in the fitness industry.

The top trainers are self-regulated.  They strive to maintain a standard of excellence.  They are committed to bringing about results in their clients.  While the certifications are not nationally recognized, there are some that hold more water than others.  In my opinion, elite trainers will hold a Personal Training Certification through the National Strength & Conditioning Association and/or the American College of Sports Medicine.

Certification is only one qualifying factor.  If you are considering retaining a trainer, you should make sure that trainer has worked with other people like you and has delivered the results that you seek.  It's also important to find a trainer who commits not only to taking you through workouts, but to educating you.  As you've found if you've read through the various sections of this site, people are failing to get results because they're misled.  A Professional Fitness Trainer must take some responsibility for battling misinformation and empowering his or her clients with education.

I conduct extensive work with trainers and write regularly for Personal Fitness Professional magazine.  I also speak at the National Conventions urging trainers to maintain a standard of excellence in an industry where that standard is so desperately needed.

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site designed and operated by
Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness Associates
1304 SW 160th Ave., #337
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33326
(305) 824-5044  (954) 389-0280
Fax (954) 742-3173