The Best You've Ever Been

Renowned Fitness Author, Phil Kaplan, shares the secrets to a completely reshaping your body both inside and out with his new book, The Best You've Ever Been!

From Phil:

In my July 9, 2001 Update, I revealed my Mission for 2002:

In The Upcoming Year, 2002, I'm going to commit to stepping up my efforts in order to help hundreds of thousands to find their way through the maze of confusing information, and to become "the Best They've Ever Been."

In line with that mission I'll be releasing a new book. This book goes beyond exercise, beyond eating right, and while it's written in a manner that might be viewed as simplistic, it's anything but! In helping people literally become better than ever before, I'll share two concepts, two ideals that when brought together create something virtually unstoppable.

  1. Physical Excellence

  2. Psychological Congruence

Let me translate. I'm teaching people to make the Mind: Muscle connection, but to do it consciously. The Mental Conditioning that helps athletes perform at their peak can be applied by anyone to pursue any goal or endeavor. By psychological congruence, I'm suggesting that if you strive for greatness, but that little inner voice tells you you'll never get there, that voice will prove itself correct! Your thoughts can propel you forward like a rocket, or cripple your progress with greater resistance than any brick wall.

We always think of "exercise" as being physical activity, but our mind and physical manifestation (a fancy way of saying "body") are so closely linked the connection must be addressed if you are going to really take ultimate control.

In the book I'll share new information on weight loss drugs, on supplements, and I'll release a new 8-week program, but it's so much more than an informational resource. The book will serve as a guide, a guide that allows you to realize your full potential.

I'd like to share an excerpt from the work in progress so you can get started in understanding precisely why I'm focusing on that vital Mind: Body connection. Here's a short excerpt from the new book's Introduction:

The Best You've Ever Been (excerpt #1)

In the past I've written about biceps and quadriceps. Now I'm throwing esoteric concepts such as "Psychological Congruence" at you. Have I lost it? Nope. In fact, I've learned, in working with over 10,000 people to transform their bodies, that the barriers that hold people back almost always stem from incongruent thinking . . . living with a driving thought process that leaves common sense by the wayside. Stay with me, play along, and soon you'll realize that not only do I have my wits about me, not only do I know of which I write, but also that an adjustment in thinking can be the kick start that initiates every change you seek.

By Psychological Congruence I'm suggesting that when your thought patterns align toward a goal or a series of goals, consistently and in a focused manner, you rid yourself of internal conflict. You have permission to succeed and to grow. That congruence of thought, a "melding" of the conscious and subconscious minds, will begin a series of decisions and actions that bring you all you desire and deserve. It won't eliminate fear, but it will help you to put things in perspective, to use fear as a motivating force rather than allowing it to shackle you. Think of two rockets, each with a goal to arrive on the moon. One has been maintained with the utmost care, the other has been allowed to rust and deteriorate. The better rocket has an internal driving system that remains focused on the destination at all times. If anything comes along and throws the rocket off course, its driving system readjusts and re-sets the shortest course to arrival. With Psychological Congruence and Physical Excellence, you are that rocket! You find the shortest and most rewarding course to arrival. Without Psychological Congruence, you stagnate, falling victim to rust and decay. Psychological Congruence, at least from a discussional understanding, seems clear at this point, but what do I mean by "Physical Excellence?"

Am I referring to a bodybuilder who measures at 3% bodyfat, has a string of titles, and is acclaimed for his rock hard glutes? I've seen far too many bodybuilders with hormonal challenges, digestive disorders, or circulatory maladies to ever use the visual as the measure of excellence.

I've also met obese people who decided they were stuck in their bodies, so they were going to get healthy despite their size. A reliance on fruits and vegetables, lots of water, multi mineral capsules, and daily walking elevated them to "healthy" cholesterol and blood pressure levels, but can we consider them excellent?

Is an Olympic gymnast the epitome of physical excellence? Perhaps a gymnast displays outstanding flexibility and muscle control, but after years of wear and tear on connective tissue, arthritis and its nasty friends can destroy future hopes of physical excellence.

I am not encouraging you to reach the human pinnacle of performance in any specific endeavor, although if you have such a goal you will not hear me discourage you either. I am going to discuss how you can be better than you are right now, and better, in fact, than you've ever perceived yourself to be. I'm going to share an ideal based upon balance. Not superhuman strength, but functional strength. Not explosive vertical leaps, but the energy and ability to effortlessly jog if life ever asked you to move a bit quicker. The ability to actively run and play with your children. To walk through a mall without having to sit down and catch your breath or give your tired legs a rest. To jump quickly out of the way if a lion attacks.

OK, the lion thing's not likely, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

* * End of Excerpt #1 * *

So, you can see, this is more than just "shaping up." This truly is a quest for excellence, and in order to zero in on the physical aspect of "excellence, I'll share another excerpt from the book's intro entitled, "The Components of Physical Excellence."

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Phil Kaplan
Phil Kaplan's Fitness Associates
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Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33326
(305) 824-5044  (954) 389-0280
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